Lost weight and gained it right back??

I started this weight loss plan and I'm on day 12. I lost 4 pounds at my 9 day weigh in and now its all back? I don't understand


  • seantnash
    seantnash Posts: 77 Member
    Step 1: Use this chart

  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I wonder if it's possible to turn that chart into a giant emote so we can post it with just a few keystrokes?
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    Don't sweat it keep doing what your doing, lots of things can cause this. your cycle, water weight, inconsistent weighing times, ect. Weight can fluctuates that much or even more in a days time.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    It has been 12 days. Patience. Weight loss isn't linear.
    LushFix wrote: »
    Don't sweat it keep doing what your doing, lots of things can cause this. your cycle, water weight, inconsistent weighing times, ect. Weight can fluctuates that much or even more in a days time.

    Use a food scale and accurate food database entries, too. Log everything that has calories.

    Keep at it.