mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
Have you ever heard.. someone say "I stepped on the scale and knew I had to do something!" Or "I saw a picture of me and that was my final straw!"

Well I had my epiphany today- I can't believe I have gained back all the weight that I worked so hard to lose.. 48lbs to be exact.. I gained it back faster than it took me to lose it. I quit smoking 9 months ago and that's how long it took me to gain the weight. I knew quitting smoking was going to bring on additional weight gain but I didn't think this much. I am not blaming smoking for everything I ate poorly and wasn't consistent with my workouts.

That all changes today!

I went to bed last night knowing today was a new day and the beginning of my 90 day challenge.. I started T25 so what it is a Wednesday (it's my Monday now)

(I know I haven't paid any attention to my consumption of food after logging my calories today.. I am not depriving myself by any means but I am not gorging myself out either.. )

I have 60lbs to lose (total of the weight I wanted to lose) I actually enjoy working out (my problem is sticking to it- starting to think I have commitment issues) I know what I have to do I just have to do it!

These next 90 days aren't going to be easy I see many ups and downs along the way but I have to fight through the temptation to quit and keep pushing through. that is the only way I will meet my goals.

Join if you like on this challenge of accountability and determination.
October 22nd is that last day!