Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
Has anyone done this? I bought it a few years and never got up to phase 3 except for now. I'm currently on workouts 9 & 10 and I am pretty amazed at my progress. I've done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, and never made it to the end, so I'm shocked that I'm almost to the end of this 90 day program. Though I must admit that it will end up being moe like 100 - 110 days.
This is my favorite.


  • Annac863
    Annac863 Posts: 11 Member
    I bought it and attempted it twice. Both times I've gotten to week 6 and then grew bored and quit. So now I'm trying 30DS and hope to try BR again and finish it
  • kenzienal
    kenzienal Posts: 205 Member
    I just recently tackled this back in February.

    I got 10.5 weeks in and just couldnt stand it anymore. Phase 1 and 2 were AWESOME, and I made some great changes. Phase 3? Not my favorite. Too much time spent trying to figure out how the heck to do the moves, and I never felt like I got a good workout in. I tried to skip forward to Weeks 11 and 12, but I never even bothered putting disc 12 in. I was just drained from the lack of enthusiasm to do those weirds dancy-jumpy type moves.

    I lost a few inches doing this program, but I didnt lose weight. It wasnt until I stopped doing that program, and just followed the CICO formula that I began to drop weight.

    It works for some people, I just learned that it doesn't work for me.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    edited May 2017
    I am doing it and I love the program. I've done most of Jillian's workouts but for some reason never got around to this one until now. I think the thought of committing to 12 weeks was the issue lol. I just finished week 4 and really like it. I previewed phase 2 and am excited for it. I got body shred for Christmas and am going to do it right after revolution. I heard they work well back to back.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I agree that work out 9 & 12 has some weird moves in there but I do feel as if I am getting a workout. I have one more set of 9 &10 then on to 11 & 12 and will be done. I feel if I have come this far, I might as well finish!
    What I do find boring is he cardio. I usual do a spin class or run or Zumba on those days. I think I will do Ripped in 30 after that. The 30-day Shred was too tough on my knees.