3rd times the charm!

plhforlife Posts: 29 Member
edited May 2017 in Introduce Yourself
So I definitely think this is my 3rd time introducing myself over the course of several years. I haven't been able to stick with it due to motivation, but this times different!!

My name's Emma and I'm 24. I've been diagnosed with PCOS for about 6 years now. For several years I couldn't lose the weight I had gained because of this medical condition. I think that's why I quit using this site so many times; I just kept getting discouraged.

But!!!! Over the course of the last maybe half a year, I have lost 26 pounds AND I hit my first goal weight! Things are actually starting to work and I couldn't be happier!! So hello again! I'm hoping to continue on this lovely journey, and would love some support along the way!


  • happyhiggins
    happyhiggins Posts: 42 Member
    Hello, my name is Danielle. I have PCOS too! I would love to chat sometime. Feel free to join my group that I just started yesterday & meet some other women who also have PCOS.