Day 5

Well, as the title suggests, today is day 5 since I decided to really hunker down and get to work on losing some serious weight.

I am currently 308lbs and stand at 6'2. I started using this app about five years ago when I first was beginning to workout (I had a personal trainer then, managed to lose 14lbs - got down to my lowest weight ever of 262lbs.) Since that time my weight has fluctuated between 270 and 295. I was seeing a trainer for the better part of last year but never really saw any losses other than a 10lb difference. When I quit that in October, I thought I would keep up with working out, etc but I never did.

Fast forward to today. 308lbs and so ready for a change. I have been logging my food for the last couple of weeks, and I have to say, it makes me feel shame that I consumed 6000+ in a day. Logging in my food intake over the last month has really motivated me to want to change. It really works.

I'd say my biggest struggle is emotional eating. This last Monday I had a math test in which i did pretty poorly on. After class I thought about stopping by the local grocery store and buying a gallon of ice cream. BUT I DIDN'T. I DID NOT GIVE IN.

Little triumphs.

I am going to keep aiming for these.

Today is day 5, and I am doing just fine. :smile:


  • Fitfromfat17
    Fitfromfat17 Posts: 56 Member
    This is amazing! Seriously we all need to start somewhere :) It's good that you've realised how bad your earing habits were and no you're willing to change it. Keep at it :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Emotional eating is one of the hardest things to overcome. Not having the ice cream in the freezer and easily accessible is the first step to success. I find if I have to get in my car and drive to get something I crave ,the caving usually just goes away. Great start.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Emotional eating is tough for me too. I cheer you on! The biggest help for me has been forgiving myself. It helps to stop the cycle quickly even if it does happen.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    Congratulations on taking the steps to a healthy you! for the last 10 years, my whole adult life, I have struggled with losing weight. I realized I was never going to lose weight and have the body I want until I did it for myself. I am only 5ft tall and I have always weighed between 170-210 pounds even during two pregnancies I have just always been big on November 1, 2016 I decided that I was going to do this no more slacking or waiting for my husband to do this with me. I started at 181 and now weigh 154 I don't have a scheduled exercise routine I just try to get at least 6k steps a day and then I eat in a calorie deficit and the pounds have just started coming off. I understand the struggle with emotional eating I myself want to turn to some ice cream but thats when I drink some water and have to remind myself of my goals and how after I eat (example) how crappy I will feel.
    Good Luck on the rest of your journey I have about 30 more pounds to go myself :)
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 235 Member
    edited May 2017
    I used to do the same thing after a really stressful day at work, if I was feeling lonely, etc. My vice was a Big Mac, large fries, chocolate milkshake or an entire bag of doritos and a jar of cheese dip. It was my "reward" for having a bad day. The problem was, that I felt even worse after eating all of that. I decided to find a new way to treat myself. You see, food can be a way to "self medicate" depression, stress, etc. Counseling can help, but being nice to yourself in other ways can also help. Replace those calories with a walk through a beautiful outdoor area, a massage, a new haircut, a new outfit or a nice long hot bath while listening to your favorite music. Find what works for you to truly relieve stress and you'll find yourself trying to eat that stress away less and less. Give yourself motivation too by setting small, attainable goals for yourself like being able to fit into a smaller size for an upcoming vacation or party and visualize yourself doing that whenever you feel those cravings. No amount of food can make you feel as good as dropping some of the weight.