Lost and Gained So Many Times

I feel discouraged I lost a lot of weight last year and seems like over the winter I gained it all and some more back.....I keep trying to lose weight again but it's like I can't do it


  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    You can do it! Pick a realistic calorie goal and stick with it. Try not to beat yourself up so much. We all fall off the wagon at one point in our lives. I did it too. Lost over 100lbs in 2011-2012 and gained back 65 of it over the last few years. I'm back here now and back on program and am down 19lbs already just since February. You've got this!
  • slm14
    slm14 Posts: 10 Member
    It's always a battle to sustain weight loss. I'm back on here for the same reason. I was on a positive trend of being healthier and then stopped using my positive habits for a healthy lifestyle. I regained everything I lost plus an additional almost 10lbs. You are not alone in this experience or on this journey! I have barely lost 0.5lb since restarting, but am counting it as a win and reaching out like you have! Way to go!
  • candacebattle2012
    candacebattle2012 Posts: 61 Member
    Omg me too!! I lost 20 lbs like a few years ago and gained all of it back and a little more. I feel like im yoyo dieting now off and on. Finally trying to stay on program until i reach my goal again. Don't give up girl! We can encourage each other. The results will be well worth the sacrifice and hard work!