My Weightloss Videos

Hey guys and gals. I just wanted to post my link in here to my youtube channel. I have had my channel now over a year and it started out as mostly a beauty type, beauty product reviews, hauls, things like that..but since I started my lifestyle change on May 16th, I have been doing weightloss vlogs also. If you guys would like to check it out and take a look then the link is below.....if not, then thats ok too.


  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    COOL! I love weight loss vids! I will check it out :-)

  • forgiven4life
    I love watching stuff like this too. I will check it out tonight after work. Just a thought, and I haven't seen your channel yet so I don't know if you already do this, but I was actually searching on youtube last night for some healthy grocery hauls. I really like to see what other people are eating to help them lose weight. Maybe you could do something like that too, occasionally, if you haven't already.