Loosing the baby weight

Looking to loose 60 lbs that I gained during my pregnancy. I haven't lost any of my weight so far which is making me miserable! I want to completely change my food and exercise habits, but I am struggling. I am just trying to feel more healthy!


  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Go for it. You can do it
  • iweigh110
    iweigh110 Posts: 2 Member
    Yeay!!! Someone else who gained 60 lbs while pregnant!! Finally. I feel like the only person to Gain 60. Everyone I know gained 30-35. I'm like what are you a robot?? Who does that? Both pregnancies 60lbs. No matter what I did. Wakes three miles every day too. Eh. Must be cause I'm a shortie. Are you short too? Good luck! You can do this!!!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How long ago did you give birth? I always encourage new moms to give themselves time to heal physically and adjust mentally before becoming overly concerned with weight loss. By all means, eat healthily and well (particularly if you are breastfeeding). The rest will come in time :smile:
  • michelle_k_314
    michelle_k_314 Posts: 15 Member
    I also gained 60lbs during my pregnancy!! I want to lose it all!! Feel free to add me.
  • sabinaholtby
    sabinaholtby Posts: 73 Member
    I gained I think 40, I'm down 20! Enter your stats, go by the calories they recommend, log accurately! It works!

    Are you breastfeeding? Either way, you can do it. Prioritize the baby.
  • clairele84
    clairele84 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a mum to a 16 month old little boy whom I adore. I lost lots of weight while breastfeeding him, until he started eating solid food. While I still feed him twice a day, in the morning and before bed, I have put in quite a bit of weight. I weighed in at 10 stone 9 (149lb) a week ago and I'm. Ow down to 10 stone 7!

    My son is very active and I was starting to struggle to keep up with him. He runs around and expects to go out at least 2-3 times a day for a long walk. I've been doing on average around 5-6 miles with him every day that I am not at work and it's helping my fitness a bit. I'm also running and doing the c25k.

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to add me if you want
  • daniellemichellecowger
    daniellemichellecowger Posts: 46 Member
    My daughter will be 5 months on the 15th! I am not breastfeeding anymore. My milk stopped coming in and I should've gotten a pump, but we're also trying to find a place to live so it's been stressful. I think I just want to be in control of my weight and what putting in my body.
  • daniellemichellecowger
    daniellemichellecowger Posts: 46 Member
    It's been so hard staying under the amount of calories, and feeling hungry.