
RicSur Posts: 44 Member
No matter what I do, I'm not losing weight, I've tried upping fibre, going bread free, limiting my gross calories to under 2k even though mfp says 2200.
I walk around 5 to 6 miles a day with my dog more at the weekend.
I'm 6ft and 15 st 4. I know it's not obese but it's still overweight.


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    You have tried everything?
    Have you tried using a digital food scale and weighing all foods, cups and spoons for liquids.
    A scale and making sure you are choosing the correct MFP entries should get you results.

    Cheers, h.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    I hadn't as, but I shall
  • darrenstanley14
    darrenstanley14 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, at that weight I think you should be definitely losing on 2200. Weigh your foods and add them into MFP so you know exactly how much you're eating. Hit your calorie and macro target each day. Get enough water and sleep in and try to keep stress levels to a minimum. Keep doing your walks and exercising and enjoy it. It's a slow process. If I was you I would also weigh yourself daily and take an average at the end of the week this is done by taking each daily weigh in and adding it up and dividing by 7 then the following week see what your average is and see what you lost. Aim for around 1lb a week.