Tips for toning stomach

Hi everyone

I am currently running and monitoring my calories on MyFitnessPal, I eat well anyway so that's not really an issue I just want to feel fit and tone up. So I am doing quite well with my running to say I am a beginner and I am enjoying it but I want some separate exercises to help tone my stomach, after my son was born it's never been the same and he is 2 now so I want to look and feel better. I go on holiday first week in September so have a few months to work at it, any tips? I have weights at home I can use too, I am not a member of a gym though!

I am 5ft 4, weigh about 10.5stone, (I've always been heavy) even for my wedding I lost a dress size and still wasn't under 10 stone :# I am a size 12 but I want to be a solid toned 12 and not a wobbly one!

Any tips you can give me for my stomach would be great! Thanks xx
