Pcos, just quit smoking, new to weight loss crazy change in calories

Hey guys my issues is I have PCOS which causing an insulin resistance and I have just quit smoking which has increased my appitite I'm constantly hungry and I feel sick if I don't eat which is different for me because before I quit smoking I would barely eat but I would binge eat enough to maintain a steady weight 67kg at 5" 1. I'm wanting to reach 55kg so I'm needing to cut down my colorie intake to 1200, how do I curb the constant hunger and the feeling ill if I don't eat


  • ferd_ttp5
    ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
    Eat filling foods like protein and fiber it keeps you full and not hungry for significant hours. Do some recreational activities that can distract you up and forget about food in the fridge like doing exercise or any other things, do whats best works for you :)
  • mamablair72
    mamablair72 Posts: 2 Member
    I can sympathize. I felt like I was STARVING after I quit smoking. I thought it was a side effect from quitting , but came to find out a few months later I had an over active thyroid. It was being masked by the cigarettes. If your severe hunger continues check your thyroid levels.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    For me if I was you I would firstly take a deep breath...then eat at maintenance calories for a few days while adjusting to quitting smoking. Once you feel a bit better THEN introduce a calorie deficit. It just seems like a lot of change all at once, maybe breaking it down into stages will help?
  • cristeen88
    cristeen88 Posts: 3 Member
    I can sympathize. I felt like I was STARVING after I quit smoking. I thought it was a side effect from quitting , but came to find out a few months later I had an over active thyroid. It was being masked by the cigarettes. If your severe hunger continues check your thyroid levels.

    Thankfully I had my Thyroid check a month ago and its normal lol I quit smoking 28 days ago so I guess it's still normal to be hungry I just need to cut out my sugar and have what carbs I do allow of a morning I think and also needing to break up my meals to more that just 3 a day to help though the day I really just need self control not to binge when I do need and I guess that's where I need to drink more water after I eat
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    You have to learn to distinguish when you are really truly hungry from when you are just bored. Plan your meals within your calorie goals. Take up a hobby or a recreational activity to keep yourself busy. Maybe chew gum to keep your mouth busy. Drink water.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,079 Member
    edited May 2017
    Not sure of your age but if you were in your mid-30s based on your stats your TDEE would be around 1550 for Sedentary. Maybe go for a less aggressive weight loss rate to start with and gradually drop down to 1200, you would still lose just under half a pound per week on 1350 without purposeful exercise, it will just take slightly longer but may be far more sustainable in the long term.

    Edit: Corrected figures
  • Muana1005
    Muana1005 Posts: 172 Member
    PCOS can make you crave carbs and sugar especially if you take Metformin. My advice would be to increase the liquid in your diet - have more soups and stews, teas, water. Use sweeteners to trick your body into believing you're eating sugar. Exercise more to jumpstart your metabolism.