Women - losing weight is messing up my period



  • Muana1005
    Muana1005 Posts: 172 Member
    It could be that the weight loss has kick started ovulation or normal menstrual cycles. I used to have lighter irregular periods when I was a bigger weight and didn't ovulate, as I lost the weight periods got heavier, longer and regular and I started ovulating again.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I've had Mirena since I was ~40 (I'm 47 now and on my second one), so I really haven't experienced too many peri-menopausal symptoms. No periods (spotting the very first month), no crazy mood swings, no monthly weight gain!
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    As a way to deal with periods more pleasantly, I can't say enough good things about a menstrual cup. I've had a Diva Cup and a Lunette over the past 15 years; both are great. Changed my life (sounds dramatic, but seriously: sleeping for as long as I want, in any position, and not leaking is a life-changer. Also, on med/light days, dealing with it only twice a day is a life changer. And on heavy days, having something that lasts for several hours: life changer.)

    If you've only tried conventional products, think about the switch. It's positive for the vast majority that try it.

    Menstrual cups are life changing!!!! No more cramps, made my periods so much lighter, and I can work all day, or be gone most of the day, and not have to worry about it. I forget I'm on my period most of the time.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Yes and I HATE THAT!!!!
    I'm such a hypochondriac, so I've talked to my Obgyn a lot about this! Over the last couple years I've had extra periods, bleeding inbetween, 2 light periods a month, very late periods etc, I feel that when my hormones go out of wack it's new each time!
    I've been to the dr twice for it, and been given the all clear and been told my hormones are adjusting, and within a few cycles I'm back to my usual "normal"
    Here's what I've been told by my dr-- your fat holds estrogen, and when you lose body fat, that estrogen floods your system, screwing with your hormones. Your body eventually "fixes" itself. For me, now I'm just experiencing lighter periods, which for me is great lol only 5-6 day periods instead of a full 7-8 days! but I was ovulating twice a month etc, damn hormones!
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    And thank u for posting this, I had yet to see someone post of extra bleeding and painful periods! I'm glad I'm not alone
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Hmmmm. I'll have to think about the dairy. I don't eat/drink much dairy but it's not organic. I eat most everything organic. But organic milk is pricey and I buy fat free so there's less hormone in the fat. But I have been using some lactose free fat free regular milk. I probably should change to organic. I would never have thought of it! Thanks for the suggestion.

    I do not eat soy at all. I tried the Mirena IUD a few year ago after I weaned my youngest child and my hormones were nuts. My flow was so heavy I went to the ER only to find out I was perfectly fine. I mean, I had to change pads/super plus tampons every 20 min for hours at a time. It was awful. It did help the periods tremendously but messed with other stuff. So I had it taken out after about 4 months.

    My dr really pushed me to do ablation. It just didn't seem healthy? Creating scar tissue so you don't bleed? I dunno. I'd love to hear more about your experience.

    I won't do the pill. My grandma died of breast cancer and my mom had it 5 years ago. So absolutely no hormones for me! I want to be as natural as possible. My dr said "ok. If you get miserable enough come back and we'll talk." Yah, great. Thanks.

    I also was told that the only other option would be the pill, but I have clotting issues so I always had to wait a couple months for my hormones to stabilize which they always did.
    My mom had gone on birth control for this and she ended up with multiple blood clots in her lungs, one went to her heart and it stopped, drs said she's very lucky to be alive, and that, for her, taking birth control at an older age increases the risk of clots a lot! Scary stuff that birth control
  • weightloss_acc
    weightloss_acc Posts: 109 Member
    Being overweight has messed up my period, I have been several months before without a one. Hopefully when I loose weight it will cause me to be regular. The birth control pill made me gain weight super fast.