Better body image?

I'm 5"2, and weighed everywhere from 155lbs to 110lbs in the last 3 years. I've since gained weight back up to 130lbs, and I'm trying lose it again.

I was happiest at 110lbs, but still felt like I wanted to lose weight. I wasn't technically underweight, but close to it. Right now I logically know that I'm a normal size, but I still feel huge all the time.

Does anyone have any tips for feeling content with my body? I feel like I'm never going to be happy.


  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I feel a lot like that sometimes too. I try to wear clothes that make me feel comfortable (nothing too tight) and try to avoid looking in mirrors when possible except when getting ready otherwise I get tempted to overanalyze. I'm underweight but feel like I should slim down sometimes, but I've refocused on gaining muscle so I have a healthy goal to work towards. Hopefully these may work for you!
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    edited May 2017
    If you can, I'd say working out. It doesn't matter my size, when I'm working out consistently I'm so much happier with my body and with myself. I'd also suggest therapy if it's an option since you've been different weights and unhappy at them all. Good luck!

    ETA: spelling :#
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    contentment is pretty internal feeling. I'd suggest talking to a professional. that doesn't make you a bad person by the way. there are people who can really help you and I don't think MFP provides much other than some so regular good intending advice.
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    I share pretty much your exact stats. Currently sitting just over 120 and want to get back to 110. I agree that avoiding tight fitting clothes helps and so does setting non-scale related goals - like adding 5 lbs to a lift or running a mile a little faster. Helps me to appreciate what my body can do instead of lamenting how it does or doesn't look :)
  • xchocolategirl
    xchocolategirl Posts: 186 Member
    Please seek professional happy if you're feeling inadequate seeing a therapist will help. Good luck!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Agree with therapy
    Even when I was super fit I thought I was still too fat, not good enough
    I can look back at pictures and see that I was clearly not fat, and arguably overly thin/lean
    Therapy helps
    Or at least trying to figure out why you feel this way
    It has nothing do with your actual weight
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    If you have trouble with body image, you have to fix the body image issue. Trying to fix the body might help temporarily, but you'll never be fully satisfied. To echo others above, therapy is a good option. They'll help you figure out why you don't feel satisfied with your body, and work on strategies to help you feel better.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I agree the others that you need to seek help in addressing the underlying issue and I am glad that you seem to recognize that there is one.

    Beyond that, I would suggest exercise, specifically lifting heavy weights to improve body composition and figure rather than dieting down to a potentially unhealthy weight.