Why are gym jocks so mean?

So I guess I classify as "that scrawny kid who struggles with what seems like light weight." Anyways this guy comes up to me, looks like a total roid monkey and says "having a hard time with the girly weights huh pretty boy?" really been bothering me today, I've been lifting 3 months, squat and deadlift more than my body weight and he has the nerve to make sly remarks :mad: Sorry for the rant. But seriously what causes people (particularly guys) to be such a holes?


  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Because they are A-holes. Because they are mean. Because people who lack true self esteem get their jollies putting other people down.

    Just remember - you can tone and shape your body, but he will never grow a brain.

    Sorry this happened to you.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Because they are A-holes. Because they are mean. Because people who lack true self esteem get their jollies putting other people down.

    Just remember - you can tone and shape your body, but he will never grow a brain.

    Sorry this happened to you.

    Very well-said!

    Seriously, anyone who goes out of their way to put others down has some real personal issues going on. I honestly feel bad for people like that. He must be a miserable person.

    And squatting more than your bodyweight is not weak at all! Great job on your progress :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,154 Member
    Becaus the gym is the only place they have. Most of the jerkish gym rats don't have much going on beyond working on their bodies. They like to insult those weaker than them because it's the only thing they have to feel superior about. It helps ease the sting of a crappy job with no prospects for a better life. I played football for years, so I knew a lot of the type of guy you mean, and they were pretty much all the same. Unable to get into a good college or get a good job, dumb but just smart enough to realize that they were headed for a dead end and be pissed about it, often a crappy home life. There were a few who were perfectly agreeable, and there are certainly gym rats who are extremely pleasant and helpful, but the awful ones are almost all the same.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    Fairly certain this is a massive rarity. Ive been to 4 different gyms in my days and I have never seen anything even remotely like this.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Because they are A-holes. Because they are mean. Because people who lack true self esteem get their jollies putting other people down.

    Just remember - you can tone and shape your body, but he will never grow a brain.

    Sorry this happened to you.

    ^^ well said

    and if you watch said a-holes lift most of them are lifting wrong and will sooner or later end up hurt :( at least that's what I have been seeing with the block heads at my gym.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Some eradication is required... My gym is packed with these meat heads, granted most of them keep to themselves. Save for the guy who talks to everyone for some odd reason. Gym etiquette is also a very large issue Ahem curls and shrugs in the ONLY squat rack :explode:
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    They aren't all like that. I consider myself a weighlifter (currently out due to injury) But I see the types you are talking about all the time, but most of the time, they are just keyboard warriors *****ing on the "gym memes" facebook page.

    It's just overcompensating-alpha-male-bull**** in the people that are like that.
    A poster above said it right about the kinds that are pricks usually don't have much going for them besides their bodies and feel the need to feel superior to those that aren't on the same level physically. It's not just scrawny people these types ridicule, it's also people who don't feel the need to go workout everyday of their lives or may be overweight.

    I think some of these "tough guys" think that heavy lifting means they can fight. I've seen big muscled out guys get ko'd in one hit from scrawny guys. They are all over the internet.

    To each his own in how they approach fitness. But there really are some snobs out there, but that goes with everything.
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    Because they don't want you to get as buff as they are. This guy obviously has the personality of a bag of wet hair, so if you keep exercising, you are going to steal his girlfriend.