Starting Over, also questions/need advice about third shift?

Hi all,

Over the course of two years (2013-2015) I lost 145 lbs. Since then, I got married, got comfortable, and gained back 40 lbs. I have gotten to the point of where I'm frustrated because clothes I bought at my thinnest aren't fitting, and want to get rid of those 40 lbs again and hopefully some more. When I did this the first time I was working day shift, had a 24/7 gym membership, and was single with few obligations besides work.. so I had plenty of time to work out. This time I am working 3rd shift during the week, the nearest 24/7 gym is 80 minutes away so not feasible, and I have the responsibility of taking care of a bigger home, garden, and pets. I need some advice how third shifters do it. On my work days (Monday-Thursday) I am at work from 10pm-7am. On my non work days I usually am in bed at 10pm and up at 7am.. so my schedule is constantly flipping back/forth.

What I'm struggling with the most are meals. I try to eat on normal schedule with my husband on my off days, but on my work days I know I end up over-eating and snacking because I'm tired at work and struggling to stay awake. How do those of you who work 3rd plan meal times? Do you not eat on your shift? Help!