Venting Time

viglet Posts: 299 Member
I've been down this road before. I went from 240 to 160 with just CICO and exercise. I didn't focus on macros or clean eating, just straight up counting whatever went in my mouth. Got pregnant lost focus and gained some weight.

Now I am back at it and I have been serious about it for the last two weeks. Counting everything that has gone in my mouth. I'm measuring and weighing. There have been two days where I have over eaten but I have under-eaten the next day to compensate. I have averaged at around 1200 calories over the last 15 days (yes I did the math). That is not including exercise calories (4 days a week and logging using a fitness tracker).

Not a drop in the scale. Not an oz. Literally sitting where I started. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 12 but no weight drop. What gives??? Yes I know I should be happy about the size change but at this weight I feel like lbs should be moving too.

I just need to get this off my chest. I wake up every morning with hopes of seeing the scale move but it hasn't. I'm feeling very weepy about the whole thing. I guess I have to move towards clean eating because just calorie counting isn't enough apparently. I really just want to cry like a big ol' pansy.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    New exercise routine? Hormones, time of the month, ovulation? More sodium than usual? Not enough sleep?

    All these things can affect your weight, even when you're doing everything right. Be patient. Keep doing the right things. If you don't see scale progress in 4-6 weeks, reevaluate. (Although the drop in clothing sizes is more awesome than a change in scale weight, IMO.)


  • nevadavis1
    nevadavis1 Posts: 331 Member
    If your clothing size went down you might just be retaining some water. It's only been 2 weeks. I'd give it a bit more time. If you're eating a lot of salt that might contribute to water retention so maybe double check on that. Congrats on the clothing size though! My weight has gone down, but not my clothing size.
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    You have gone down in clothing size so that is proving to you that you're doing well regardless of the numbers on the scale! Take measurements of your body and pay attention to how you're feeling instead of the scale. You're doing great!