Cleared by my heart doctor.

Hello all. I was one here after my heart attacks and a previous stroke, then faded away. Well my heart Dr finally cleared me to use a weight loss Dr. To drop weight. Well after a visit to new weight loss Dr. I was told I should loose about 64 pounds. He put me on Acarbose 50mg & alli before meals along with diethylpropion 75mg once a day. He also put me on a 700cal a day diet. I have been on it a week and lost 11 pounds. I will go back and visit him in 3 weeks. I thought 700cals a day was well too low. I'm doing fine so far. But we will see. Wish me luck.


  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Wow - that's a quick drop! Glad to hear you are being monitored by a Dr. with such a low calorie plan.

    Good luck on your WL journey!