No scale

This post I feel kind of foolish posting, but I figure someone out there is probably like me. This time when I started on MyFitnessPal i tried something a bit... new... I took my scale. Took the batteries out and threw them away. It is killing me not knowing what my scale says... as if it should matter. I looked at my reasons for wanting to lose weight and not once did I mention a number. A number isn't important to me. In fact. A number is what everytime forces me to quit. I see the number not move and then I give up for "that day" because "why not" it's such a slippery slope. I decided once I break the horrible habit of climbing on the scale EVERYDAY (sometimes 3 times) and letting it dictate why I'm doing this I am going to do this for me. Anyone else got rid of the scale? How do you cope with not weighing yourself (even once a week)?


  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    I.measure body fat! And once a week
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    Oh and how your clothes fit! 3 times a day is too much in my.opinion. Weight does not define your value but how you make people feel and how you control yourself do!
  • tomwasilj3w
    tomwasilj3w Posts: 186 Member
    Well weighing yourself EVERYDAY could mess with you mentally. You can't expect to see results that quickly. Once a week would be better. Or in your situation once a month. I feel like it's important to atleast check once in awhile to see of what you're doing is working or if you need to change something your doing.

    I find myself stepping on the scale multiple times a day. Mostly because it's in my bathroom so I see it all the time and I can't help myself. I know the fluctuations of 1-5 lbs in normal. It all depends on how much I ate that day, how much good is in my stomach, how much water I drank (water retention), how heavy my cloths are, how much energy I've burned (calories used), etc. All this affects the fluctuations.

    But if I see that 2 weeks from now my fluctuations are in a higher weight range than before than I know I'm accomplishing my goal of gaining.

    But you do what you need to do to stay motivated. You gotta try to make it as enjoyable and even fun as possible. Making it feel like a torturous and seemingly impossible task will just work against you.

    Hope what you're trying now works out for you,
    Ya boy Tom
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I hadn't weighed myself for years before I started. Now I weigh daily, to collect data on fluctuations and weight trends. It helps me understand my body and helps me stay accountable.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I don't weigh very often. Sounds like it's not helping u so you're doing the right thing. Remember that you're getting guy and changing habits, not just trying to achieve a magic number.