Let's do this!

emiliajm Posts: 2 Member
Today is my first day officially back in the game! I am determined and motivated as heck to lose my last 10-15 pounds before the start of the summer. I am posting so that I can hold true to my words- to track everything I eat daily and to not give up. For those of you who have been successful losing weight, what do you recommend in terms of eating- frequent small meals throughout the day, or 3 larger ones with snacks in between? Or do you think so long as I log my food and stay within my calorie count for the day it's irrelevant how I divide the calories up? I'm aiming for about 1500 calories a day. I was going to try to do 1200, but I think I will grow very hungry and discouraged quickly leading me to binge. Any thoughts? Looking forward to staying motivating with you all! Happy Wednesday


  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    I like the enthusiasm! Great way to get started.

    I wont comment on how many meals a day you should eat because that is completely subjective. If you feel like you can go a whole day with only one meal and still hit your intake goals then by all means. Its completely up to you and what your schedule and daily routine allows for.

    As for how many calories, thats also a debateable topic. All I want to say about that is be realistic in your goals, be honest with yourself about what its going to take to get there, and then make a plan that doesn't make you overreach your boundaries. Sometimes the aggressive approach and limiting your intake drastically is what comes back to bite you in the end. You touched on it by acknowledging you may become discouraged. So just be mindful of that when setting your goal.

    Good luck!