Any Good Jury Duty Stories?



  • nevadavis1
    nevadavis1 Posts: 331 Member
    I've never been called but it's basically my dream.

    Then I want to go onto Dateline and have my face blacked out and my voice obscured and I want to say, "I KNEW HE WAS GUILTY FROM THE MOMENT I SAW HIM."

    I think you're supposed to keep an open mind until all the evidence is presented.

    I can't get put on a jury. I want to be on a jury, but they always strike me.

    If you don't want to be on a jury, just look across the courtroom and smile and wink at the defendant, they'll cut you very quickly.
  • nevadavis1
    nevadavis1 Posts: 331 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    Don't ask me how to get out of jury duty, I've gone in three times and was picked every single time. First two were county court cases, the last was in federal court. The federal case lasted three days, and I was the jury foreman, too.

    Be me. I get kicked off every single time for some reason or another.

    Once I'd been a victim of a similar crime. Do you or anyone close to you work in the judicial field? Yep, and gone. Once I was cut for no reason--prosecutor used a free strike, just didn't like the looks of me. Another time I got really far until they asked "are you close to anyone who works in the auto-insurance industry." Um, yep. Got cut for that one.
  • livesinpjs
    livesinpjs Posts: 27 Member
    Jury selection is interesting to see which side uses their strikes on which juror based on voir dire. I have seen both sides argue over whether or not a juror can be "rehabilitated" meaning they could remain neutral despite certain feelings until they have heard all testimony and evidence.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,843 Member
    My mother was selected twice for jury duty. The first time the trial was scheduled for her wedding day, to which she told the judge if she had to serve on the jury that day there would be TWO murders to try that day. The judge let her go.

    The second time she was very pregnant, due to give birth any day. She asked the judge to make sure a doctor was on hand at all times, so if she gave birth in the middle of a lawyer's argument the trial could continue uninterrupted. Judge released her.
  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    I've been called a few times. Made it to voir dire once. One of the witnesses in the case was someone I knew from business, so I was dismissed. Also, my little brother was with the NYPD, then the DA's office, so there's that.
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