Can find an item to add to my diary

Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
edited November 18 in Food and Nutrition
When I try to add a particular salsa dip to today's 'snacks' listing, no match is found. I've tried every search combo, minimal words etc and still can't find it. Yet when I then go to add it to the food listing, it comes up with the exact item, immediately, and I'm told that I may be about to add a duplicate. Why would this happen? How do I get round this? I really don't want to add a duplicate.


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Most likely when you try to add that item, the MFP search matching algorithm takes the text you typed, then searches the stored search index for that text. That exact text may have once been the old name of an existing record that someone has since edited and changed the name field. Once the matching algorithm scores a "hit" on the old name, it will just bring up the resulting record and display the old name. But no matter how hard you try, the Food Database search will bury the current record from discovery. I have had this happen before, and I eventually found the modified record through determined trial and error.

    My recommendation would be to add a new record so that you can log the food to your Diary. It is not really worth the time and effort to find the old one and correct it. Kudos for caring; I'm about out of caring for the messed up Food Database at this point.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    Thanks CyberTone - I shall just add a new entry so I can finish up for the day.
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