Weight Loss - Meal Ideas?

kmwmart Posts: 2 Member
I am trying to lose 30-40 pounds. Meal prep is key for me to succeed - I get sick of food easily so I switch it up every week. I am looking for lunch and dinner ideas. I need lunches and dinners that can be made in bulk and stay good for a couple of days in the fridge and/or frozen.

Please help!!!!


  • avadahm
    avadahm Posts: 111 Member
    Gosh, I'm big into getting fresh, raw foods. Buy a bunch and divide it into servings (1/2 cup or 1 cup) and always get those for nutrients. Your rice, beans and lean meats (for proteins) can be easily frozen into "meals" and so can a good veggie soup.

    If you don't have one yet, get a croc pot to make some easy meals that you can freeze for later (you can also save the recipes for later for easy logging).

    My favorites are roast chicken and rice, beef and mushrooms (I love beef), and wraps made with fresh pizza dough- like a Stromboli, but you can do veggies and cheese instead of meats if you'd like. The wrap things freeze and thaw really well. I send my guy to work with them daily. (Maybe they're more like hot pockets? Get a quality dough- one with good proteins for the carb amts).