Guilty after cheat meals

I find myself feeling guilty after cheat meals even after I've planned for them a week in advance. After I've had a. Heat meal/day I always cut back my calories the next couple days by a few hundred...Anyone else like this?


  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    Sounds like you are going through a guilt/restrict cycle. I use to do this when I had an unhealthy relationship with food but I have a better relationship with food so I don't feel guilty about eating food.
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    No, I never feel guilty after eating. I don't "cheat". If I want something bad enough I'll find a way to fit it into my day.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Just don't do this at all.. if you do something that makes you feel shameful, guilty and all the negative feelings associated with that, just don't do it.

    I personally do not have cheat meals or call them that just because of the stigma that word implies.

    I allow variances in my calorie choices so that I can enjoy something I do not normally during the week, but they are never called cheat meals or cheat days!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    "Cheat" implies that you are breaking a rule, which then appears to make you feel goofy. If you are making the rule allowing a cheat day, I don't see how it can be considered a cheat day since the cheating aspect is then removed but don't do it if it causes you anxiety. Have a maintenance day or zigzag your calories so that you can eat more on some days than others.
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    tjsims88 wrote: »
    I find myself feeling guilty after cheat meals even after I've planned for them a week in advance. After I've had a. Heat meal/day I always cut back my calories the next couple days by a few hundred...Anyone else like this?

    Actually cheat meals are good to reverse the negative effects of dieting and to keep you stable mentally. If you feel so guilty even knowing they're good for you, make your cheat meal "cleaner" by reducing junk food and increasing the nutrition dense foods.
  • RobBasss
    RobBasss Posts: 65 Member
    edited May 2017
    ^^^ that, stupid term cheat meal, like your doing something wrong, one bad meal is not going to make or break your weight loss (within reason o:) ).
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    If I know I am going to eat over my maintenance calories on say a Friday night...I don't feel guilty but I certainly don't feel amazing. It's not guilt but more of an urge to want to get back into my routine. If I exercise prior though, I usually feel better.
  • peterbuller8
    peterbuller8 Posts: 155 Member
    If you plan it a week in advance how can it be cheating if i'm going out for a meal like this weekend is my daughters birthday then i either save a few calories each day and add them to the day i'm going out or just do more exercise over the week and add that instead.
    but i never feel guilty life is for living not feeling guilty about one meal.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I refer to this:

    One popular idea among dieters is the “cheat meal” or “cheat day.” The philosophy is simple: eat healthy for most of your meals and then you can eat whatever you want for a meal or a day as a “cheat.”

    While I think you should be able to enjoy foods you love in moderation, I propose we do away with the concept of the “cheat meal.” Here’s why.

    Watching your Attitudes about Yourself

    In the introduction post to this series, I shared my belief that a big part of your ability to lose weight has to do with your attitudes. So much of our success hinges on our ability to be kind to ourselves and develop a healthy relationship with food.

    Simply put, the word “cheat” has negative connotations – that you’re doing something wrong. You ate salad all week so now you can “cheat” by eating a double cheeseburger with fries on Sunday. Tell me, if you call that a “cheat” meal, are you truly going to enjoy it? Or, in the back of your mind are you going to feel a tinge of guilt, because you are “cheating?”

    I think it’s time we stop assigning guilt to food like this, because ultimately it can cause us to have negative feelings about ourselves. If we are cheating on our diet, we must be cheaters.

    I've struggled with this as well, especially when I began losing weight. It was more difficult to enjoy mealtimes because I was stressed or anxious or felt guilty about indulging. The above totally helped me change my attitude about food. Food is food. Some is healthier. I stopped thinking every burger, slice of pizza, fast food run, or Starbucks drink was me 'cheating.' I'm not 'cheating' on anything. I log it and move on, usually going back into my routine the next day. Life and food is meant to be enjoyed.
  • angelawrence11
    angelawrence11 Posts: 19 Member
    A good tactic for you may be to plan a meal in advance and bank calories for your occasional reward meal. That way, there's no need to be guilty because you're still in a deficit, and you can still have something awesome. Let's day you have a special meal once every two weeks. If you want to eat at a favorite restaurant or something, maybe you need an extra 700 calories. Eating 50 calories below your goal every day of the two weeks prior will bank that extra 700 for you, and you stayed completely within your limits.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of maintenance days. I eat to maintenance once a week or so. I know I won't lose any weight that day, but I can eat something extra without fear of gaining.

    Best of luck!