
Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi all,

Frustrated. My base calorie (thing you can calculate on MFP for if you were to stay in bed all day and the calories you would need) is 1700-something. I have been eating between 1600-something most days and 2100-somethingone day, yet I have burned that amount plus about 1500 calories each day. So, I have had 1000-1500 more calories burned each of those days than I consumed......yet my weight stays the same. Getting discouraged as I spend 30-45 minutes each day at the gym and have been putting in great effort....

Suggestions and/or ideas? Anyone know why this may be happening?


  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Is it possible you are overestimating the number of calories you are burning at the gym? Maybe I read it wrong, but it sounds like you are saying you are burning 1000-1500 calories in 45 minutes. There are a few types of exercise that might be able to do that, like extreme kickboxing, P90X, Insanity, or running pretty fast, but otherwise, it's hard to burn that many calories in that amount of time.

    Also, a problem I've had in the past has been underestimating portion sizes when I eat, which causes me to eat more calories than I think I am. If you're new to portion control, it's important to be precise, at least until you get a better sense of what is actually a serving or an ounce or whatever.

    And finally, sometimes the only thing you need is time. Some people's bodies just don't seem to want to give up the fat, but with patience, it will surrender eventually.

    Hope that was helpful. Good luck and God bless!
  • always remember muscle weighs more than fat does :O) keep up the good work. I'm trying to get motivated in going back to the gym.I have to get over the I'm tired hump :O(
  • austinusn
    austinusn Posts: 38
    Hi - I'm assuming that you are staying within the ratios of carbs/fats/proteins. How are your sugar and fiber levels? I had a similar situation where I was seemingly burning more calories than I was taking in but not losing any weight. It was frustrating! Turns out that I was taking in too much sugar (and not in the form of sweets and the like) from everyday foods. Once I started monitoring that, the weight started coming off.

    The RDA is 40g or so of sugar.

    Similarly with Fiber -- make sure you are getting 25g per day, along with plenty of fluids.

    And, don't get too discouraged!! Muscle weighs more than fat -- important to track your measurements as way to supplement what the scale says.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    If you are actually burning what you estimate, your defict may be too high. If you don't eat enough you won't lose weight, your body will kick into starvation mode. If your base is 1700 calorie, you should be eating about 1200 a day to lose weight. If you exercise and burn 600 calories, you should eat 1800 calories to keep your deficit at 500 (1700-1200=500 and 1200+600eaten - 600 burned = 1200) Hope this makes sense. Your body needs fuel to exercise, if you exercise without replenishing those calories you are actually doing more harm than good as far as metabolism and weight loss go.

    Also, try to eat within one hour of getting up in the morning and eat every two to three hours for the next 12 hours. Sit down and plan out some meals and snacks. AND DRINK YOUR WATER!!! Ice cold, if possible. Your body burns more calories heating it up to room temp.

    Keep on trying, it will happen for you.

    Good luck!!
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks everyone -- I appreciate it. Knowledge is power and you all have helped me gain more power. Power do lose weight the healthy and correct way. So hard to not just look at numbers, but thanks for helping me see where I need the balance.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    If you are actually burning what you estimate, your defict may be too high. If you don't eat enough you won't lose weight, your body will kick into starvation mode. If your base is 1700 calorie, you should be eating about 1200 a day to lose weight. If you exercise and burn 600 calories, you should eat 1800 calories to keep your deficit at 500 (1700-1200=500 and 1200+600eaten - 600 burned = 1200) Hope this makes sense. Your body needs fuel to exercise, if you exrcise without replenishing those calories you are actually doing more harm than good as far as metabolism and weight loss go.

    Here is where I am really confused - maybe one of you can explain to me. According to MFP, my BMR is 1384 - based on female, 53 yrs, 5'4" and currently 175.8 lbs. I initially said I was primarily sedentary for activity since I wasn't exercising with any regularity. Checking other online calculators, my BMR varies from a low of 1119 to 2370 - huge difference. But assuming 1384 for the moment, to lose approx 1 lb a week, I would need to eat 884 (1384-500). But I know, and from what I keep reading on the posts that you all know too, is that eating less than 1200 a day is actually counter productive. I am currently eating between 1200 - 1450 net calories, excersing 5 days a week 45-50 min session, usually doing something like zumba, turbo jam or brisk walking.

    So - how am I supposed to lose weight when my BMR has me near what is simply needed to stave off starvation as it is?

    Any help at all is greatly appreciated.
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