Please help

I was diagnosed type 2 diabetes a year ago. I eat no more that 1500 calories a day and no more than 200g of carbs.( my limit is 225). I can't stop gaining weight. I have gone up 6 pounds in a week. I write my daily intake in a journal everyday. Help!


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Are you logging your food here? That would be an excellent place to start! Then you could open your diary to suggestions (if you're so inclined).

    This thread is a great resource for getting started logging:

    6 pounds in a week is very likely largely due to water retention.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I second the call to open your diary so that we can look at it.

    How long have you been aiming for 1500? And how does your diet differ now from how it was before you started?
  • jennilee1074
    jennilee1074 Posts: 12 Member
    I stay away from sweets except for a very rare treat only if it fits into my calorie budget. I don't journal online. I like to hand write so I am more conscious of what I'm taking in. I'm not a fan of water but that is what I drink. I do have swollen feet a lot.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Isn't 200g of carbs rather high for a diabetic?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I stay away from sweets except for a very rare treat only if it fits into my calorie budget. I don't journal online. I like to hand write so I am more conscious of what I'm taking in. I'm not a fan of water but that is what I drink. I do have swollen feet a lot.

    if you have swollen feet a lot it could be you are retaining water. and even staying away from sweets wont make a difference unless you are in a deficit.weight loss is not linear so you wont always lose weight.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Okay, you like to hand write. That's fine, we just can't see it, and no one can really help you. Are you weighing your food so you know for sure you're at 1500? Almost always the culprit.

    6lbs in a week is almost definitely water retention (which you said you suffer from - how much sodium is in your diet?), or hormonal swings.
  • jennilee1074
    jennilee1074 Posts: 12 Member
    I was told by a nutritionist I could have 60g of carbs per meal and 15 for each snack up to 3 snacks a day. I agree I thought it was high myself but I was in the hospital when I was told this.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I was told by a nutritionist I could have 60g of carbs per meal and 15 for each snack up to 3 snacks a day. I agree I thought it was high myself but I was in the hospital when I was told this.

    its not a lot for someone without diabetes,but since you have diabetes that IS a lot. have you tried eating less carbs?
  • jennilee1074
    jennilee1074 Posts: 12 Member
    I will try that.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    To lose weight, eat less than you burn.
    It really is that simple, and that difficult.

    If you're gaining weight, it's because you're eating more than you're burning.
    It's that simple.
    (The reasons you're eating too much are yours to figure out - not measuring your food, not owning up to everything you eat, stress, loneliness, self-image...)
    (Or, yes, water retention, esp. if it's just before that time of the month & you haven't before paid close attention to your weight every day, or if you ate something with lots of salt.)

    Are you weighing / measuring everything you eat, using USDA stats to calculate calories?
    Because if your doctor expects that 1500 cal will cause you to lose weight (1500 is supposed to be less than you're burning) and you're not losing weight, then somewhere along the line there's a calorie imbalance.

    Start measuring everything. Start journaling here (keep your diary private if you want, but enter everything you eat, every day, to keep yourself accountable).
    Using MFP, when you search for a food, add "USDA" to your search term(s) and use results with USDA, in ounces or cups, to enter your food.
    When you eat a brand-name item (instead of produce or meat), enter the brand name or scan the bar code.

    Once you're measuring & logging correctly, and daily, & you're actually eating 1500 or slightly less per day, give it a month & see what happens.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I will try that.

    if you lower them you may see a decrease in water weight at first,which is normal.and its possible it could help with the swelling and so can also get a referral to a registered dietitian and get a diet plan from him/her as well. lower carbs for some will also help with insulin issues. so make sure you follow up with your drs.200g of carbs is quite a lot for most diabetics. many diabetics here do low carb or keto.

    very few diabetics here that I have come across eat high carb amounts.Im not a dr or nurse but you can always try 100g a day and go from will take some meal planning most likely, but I dont see what harm it could do lowering them some.

    I retract my statement about the sweets as I didnt see the part of being diabetic(my fault).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Swollen feet "a lot"
    6lbs up in a week.
    Is addressing the edema really up for debate?