obstacles in life

It never fails. I set myself up with goals and then life pops up to try and mess me up. But I guess that is life. I ran my first 5K on July 4th. Did pretty good for my first time out and no training. I decided I liked the challenge and would do the Especially for You breast cancer 5K on 10-10-10. 13 weeks from the last one. I got a 12 week training guide and got rolling. Tomorrow (Friday) is my scheduled rest day. I am going to do that, then on Saturday while I am at the State park camping I AM GOING TO GET UP EARLY AND RUN 25 MIN. I capitalized that to emphasize it for myself. I then will have a good start to the day. Get a good calorie burn. Then I can enjoy the rest of the weekend with out any discouragement. Sunday morning nice easy 30 min walk stroll around the camp ground.

Can anyone relate? (smirk)