Sugar and carb binge.

Stats: My weight the past week has been 113.2, 113.4, 114.3, 113.5 and today was 112.8lbs. I'm 5'3.

Diet: I've been on low carb the past 2 days thus the 112.8lbs. I've been eating under my calorie allowance too, like 200-300 to spare. I've also been trying out intermittent fasting for 10 days now. My calorie allowance is set to 1290 here because I want to drop down to 110-111. I've been on a diet which made me eat below calories for about 7 months and now I'm just maintaining. I've lost about 60lbs in a span of 7 months. (Diet didn't allow sugar or carbs like bread, pasta, rice, nuts until the end which began the refeed stage.)

Past diet meal example:

Breakfast: 200g yogurt + apple
Snack: 2 crackers
Lunch: 100g chicken and 110g vegetables
Snack: half a mango
Dinner: 115g beef and 95g vegetable
(raw weights)

That was my life for 6 months. Cheese, tofu and seafood sometimes but along the same quantities. When I gain weight overnight I usually eat the same food the next day to make up for it, chicken breast or tuna but a little bit more like say 140g chicken and 160 veggies. No bread, rice, nuts, pasta, sweets.

Exercise: I've been doing daily challenges this month squats, lunges, bridges, crunches, leg raises, planks, pushups and light lifting (4lb dumbbells). Today it was 70 squats with (2) 4lbs dumbells, 60 lunges, 50 bridges, 160 crunches, 60 leg raises, 95 sec plank and 35 push ups. The lifting is done over head for 2 sets 15 reps. (I'm an amateur with exercise lol I never log my exercises because I don't really know how to classify them.) Takes me about 30-45 mins to complete these.

Problem: No breakfast. Lunch was turkey ham on ciabatta bread and salad greens with slivered almonds, tomatoes in a sweet and tangy tomato dressing. I took the top off the bread and ate the one below. (3 slices) had a craving for sweets... I ate 2 tiny cheese rolls, 2 bites of chocolate cake, 2 bites of apple pie AND 2 slices of banana bread. HORRIBLE. When I got home, I was full but still wanted to eat. I found myself making rye toast and snacking on 2 bananas with apple chips AND a small snicker bar.

Before my diet, I never had a sweet tooth but now it's just out of control. I can't stop when I start. Just the other day I was getting over an overnight weight gain from eating out and a carrot cake. The 114.3 gain and earlier today 112.8 and now I just effed it up. This is bad. I don't even know how to log my binge today. Probably way beyond my calories. Also, after that binge, I think I may have gotten a sore throat and some weird feeling down my nose.

Drank a bunch of water, 2 green teas. Not like it'll help but who knows. Probably part of the reason why I'm so bloated plus it's that TOM for me.

1. Should I still eat dinner or just skip it?
2. Did my diet eff up my hormones?
3. How do I get rid of this sugar addiction?
4. Is this my downfall?
5. How do I stop wanting to eat every time I'm hungry? (which is all the time) It's like I'm full but I want to munch on something.
6. Someone teach me how to eat normally. I think I may have lost my relationship with food. It's just screwed up. :(
7. I've read that eating below calories for a long time adjusts your body's BMR so now I'm scared to up my calories. My goal set on MFP is sedentary. Am I screwed?


  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It would help if you opened your food diary.

    from what you are saying, you aren't eating enough. your cal allowance of 1290 doesn't take the exercise into account - so you need to be adding those in. of course you are starving and looking for food - you need more to keep yourself going.

    I am personally not a fan of very restricitve diets and/or diets that cut out whole food groups (like carbs) because this is exactly what need to find an eating style that is long term, not a short term/fix/crash diet.

    i say start by logging everything, sharing your food diary, and eating more. I recently switched to the TDEE minus % concept and it's working better for me.

    also - Are you sure you need to go so much? 110 for 5'3 seems a low number (that's my height).
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    HeyMyJourney! I wasn't a fan of it either but it worked for me but now I'm having a hard time maintaining. I ended the program with 115.5lbs and lost some more after that, could be from the exercise and most days just eating the same. I'm trying to find something that will work for me long term. I will share my food diary but I don't know how to log today! It's just chaos. LOL I shall check that TDEE minus % concept. out. Well, actually I just want to maintain but I wanted to allot a few pounds just in case things like today happens! (Not a good reason to lose weight, I know.)
  • egwene1977
    egwene1977 Posts: 69
    Carbs lead to craving more carbs. Have you tried increasing your protein and fat intake? When I have enough protein and fat, I hardly ever get that "I'm starving" feeling.
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Imo, it's water gain and you will be back down in a few days. A few bites here and there are not excess calories. Just get back on track. Remember this is a lifestyle change. If it's not, you won't keep the weight off. Cut yourself some slack. Maintenance IS hard, and a constant effort, imo. I've been maintaining for over a year now, so I know what you are going through. I weigh daily, exercise daily, and log daily.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    sounds like you got a lot going on!!!
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    egwene1977, I actually lowered my protein because my stats showed I was having too much protein and not enough fat. I may have over done the fat and carb increase. Lol Damn carbs, why do they have to be so good?! During the diet, we had to keep meals 5 hours in between so that taught me to snack in between meals because I'd get hungry so I looked forward to eating snacks and got used to it, which I don't really like. It's gotten to become more of a habit than an actual need. Though I've found that having rye bread for lunch keeps me full. At home I can eat healthy but when I go and eat out, everything just spirals down.

    cruzcrzyMarie, wow a year!! I've only been doing it for 50 days and every day is a struggle. Learning about new food and how if affects me. Sometimes I'm just so scared to eat because it might cause me to gain weight. There are times that I think I have an eating disorder already. Just frustrated all the time and worried about food. I do exercise but I have rest days in between. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Just don't know how I'll face to massive gain tomorrow. I want to throw out the weighing scale. Lol

    lisalollipop1, too much going on!! My brain and stomach wont agree on the definition of full and hungry! Very bad.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I think weight loss is the hardest thing Iv ever had to do. hate it.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    lisalollipop1, I hear ya!
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    Im gonna give low carb a go today. I know that I eat too many carbs and too much sugar. anyone wanna buddy up pls addme
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    If you're over on your 1290 calories with all those sweets, don't have dinner for today. If you're not over with your calories, have a light dinner within your calory range.

    Most importantly, don't stress out too much! You just had sweets today, it's because of the TOM. Don't ever feel guilty. Just tomorrow keep on going with your life.

    Personally, when I'm craving for sweets, I have some fruits - nectarines, apples, oranges are tasty, sweet, but full of vitamins. If I'm craving chocolate, I either have a piece of dark chocolate (50 cals) or coffee with skim milk.

    Don't stress out. You're skinny already! Most girls must be dreaming of your body!

    And congrats on your weight loss!