Need help with Keto & my new lifestyle change!

I recently started Keto and I was wondering if anyone has any advice or success stories? I am looking to make this a lifestyle change, not a diet plan. I am going to lose 90 pounds!


  • CaydensMommy
    CaydensMommy Posts: 315 Member
    I, myself, am not doing. But, I have a friend on here that is doing it and she is doing very well! Maybe she could give you some pointers! Maybe I could tag her and she can see this post? @anna4anna
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I spent most of 2016 on Paleo and lost about 40 pounds. Then from Feb '17 to last month, I gained some back. Now I am embarking on a keto plan. Add me if you like. Ask me anything. We can do this.
  • h2harm
    h2harm Posts: 4 Member
    How's the Keto going for everyone? I just began yesterday, my body hasn't yet switched over (I don't think) to ketosis mode, but I'm finding it easier to not go over my deficit calorie intake. Keto test strips are coming in the mail also! I'm pretty excited about this diet. Trying it out to see what sort of results I pull combining Keto with my Crossfit. I expect a slight dip in performance over the next week or so but everything I've read suggests that I'll be good to go after my body adapts. Feel free to add me to keep in touch and motivate!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out: