PBII powder



  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    It is very good. I prefer it mixed into recipes and smoothies. As a peanut butter fanatic, I eat it alone but its not the same as the real thing. If you try it just go into thinking that this is going to taste different. I think that people who say they don't like it went into it expecting it to taste the same as the real peanut butter and it just doesn't..
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    PB2 pretty much changed my life. Peanut butter is a food that I really have trouble portioning, so the fact that I need to make the effort to "prepare" a serving of PB2 helps me out a lot.

    It's delicious on toast or rice cakes with banana, or blended into smoothies and oatmeal. But keep in mind that it is "defatted", so the texture isn't going to fool you, but it gets the job done for a quarter of the calories.
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    Oh thanks. Forgot I had some. Going to mix it into my protein shake right now.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I love it also. Apple and PB2 every day - I haven't used regular peanut butter since I started MFP. There is also a recipe for a frozen treat using PB2. It consists of cool whip, PB2 and a little bit of chocolate fat free syrup. Easy and yummy.

    I JUST made this this morning and put it in the freezer for later. Love it. 1 tub fat free or lite cool whip, 24g (2 tbsp) PB2, 3 Tbsp water. Mix the PB2 and water, then mix into the cool whip. Line a muffin pan with papers, fill the papers, freeze. I skip the chocolate syrup (my family puts Magic Shell on the ones they eat) - man are they good!

    QUESTION: Do you mean 24g or 2 tbsp?

    oops, I just copied that line out of my recipe box, and pasted it in. I mean use 4 tablespoons total which is equal to 24g if you're weighing.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Love it! I put itt on apples & bananas.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    love it as well, but for most uses I replaced it with peanut flour, which is in fact exactly the same thing minus salt but a quarter of the price (different brands will get you different flavors)

    Definitely going to try peanut flour now!