
My name is Cary and I am new to Fitness Pal. My name is unisex so people are like uh, man or woman. I am male and 46 years old. I have in the past lost a good amount of weight were I was about 10 pounds under weight. But like life does when you get busy I gained it all back in 4 years. Looking to get balance in both diet and exercise. Main goal is to lose 25 pounds and meet some like minded people in the process. Been married for 23 years to my beautiful wife Robin and have a very intelligent step son. Ok enough about me. Glad to meet you all and have a great day!


  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Cary...Like you, I had gained weight and lost it on (MFP). I had to take prednisone and gained it back plus more. On January 1st I re-stared MFP, sadly on January 5th I lost my hubby suddenly and unexpectedly. I lost 13 lbs quickly after that, but it was not the healthy way. I took a hiatus from MFP to get my life in order, I have a way to go but it is time I take care of myself. So I've touched base with my dear MFP friends who stuck with me during this trying time and am looking to add other friends. I want to lost 20-25 lbs. with a good diet and exercise, I know I can do it and am determined to do it! You sound like you have a lovely family. Friend me if you'd like :)