Need Support!

I am 25, 260 pounds. I need to get serious about my weight loss. I keep saying I'm going to do it, and I keep just letting things get out of control, and keep gaining more weight. But I truly believe I can't do it on my own. Anyone out there willing to help support each other and keep each other accountable? Also, are there any FitBit Challenge groups out there. I have a Fitbit, but no friends to do a challenge with. I feel like if I could be part of a challenge, I would be more motivated. Thanks in advance!!


  • iluvnumbrs
    iluvnumbrs Posts: 9 Member
    I'm working on 75 to 100 not sure yet what my final goal will be. For me I'm trying to look at it as long term. I have my weekly goal at 1.5 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but in a year it would be 75 pounds lost. A year goes by really fast. You can do this! I sent a friend request BTW.
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    edited May 2017
    I had been struggling with I refer to as a knowing and doing gap. I knew what I wanted to do but was not doing it. I spent some time thinking about what I thought I wanted. I thought I wanted to see the number on the scale go down. However at the end of the day it was just a number and easy to shrug off. When I changed my thinking and goal to read more like: I want to seek out new learning, new opportunities and new experiences in life! I want to be able to run around with my grandkids someday and get on the floor and wrestle with them!

    Once I made that shift, I realized I needed the energy to do those things? What impacts our energy levels? What we put in our bodies (the right amount of food and water), getting enough sleep and exercise. So I set my daily goals around eating the right things (most of the time, had a donut yesterday and 2 drinks) and exercising regularly.

    The outcome of thinking like this for 4 weeks? More energy, easier to say no to some things because its not about a number but long term, life changing things (life experiences and future grandkids!) I could say no to a number on a scale and make poor choices and be ok with it, would not want to look back with regrets because I made poor choices and missed out on some things. Oh and 14 pounds less on the scale. :smile:

    I now have daily, weekly and monthly targets around the areas I described above. I had to get a bigger picture/purpose to really begin to make a life change. This has worked for me, hopefully there is something in here that benefits others. Best of luck on your journey!