new member

Hi, my name is Heidi. Looking for peer support and encouragement, along with good ideas to share. Just turned 50, battling Hashimoto's disease/hypothyroidism which has destroyed my energy, caused weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, and other issues. My body hurts much more now. I used to do pain-free yoga, running, weights. Now all of it HURTS. I am trying to create consistent exercise in spite of the pain, since I hurt whether I move or am sedentary! But often the fatigue/depression just take over...
Hoping to both receive and offer support in this forum!
In good health,


  • rlilly697
    rlilly697 Posts: 201 Member
    hi Heidi!
    Hopefully we can help you get back to health n motivate you as n when!
    Good Luck x
  • steveg1130
    steveg1130 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi heidi! Good luck! It's not easy but very doable. Eve want to chat, exchange ideas or just need some motivation just friend me.