Under and overeating?

I am wondering people's thoughts on my eating habits... I typically average 800-900 calories Sunday through Thursday then Friday and Saturday I average anywhere from 2000-3000 each of those days. My five days of lower calorie eating are healthy foods, wheat toast with avocado or peanut butter, Greek yogurt, oats, lots of veggies, chicken, fish, salads.... Then on the weekends I eat whatever I want and do not limit myself.. pizza, ice cream, candy..
I am super busy during the week and work long days so clean eating and not overeating works great for me those days.But weekends are more casual and filled with friends and family and all the sweets & treats! I love the balance of having it both ways. Also, I have been able to loss/maintain my weight for years living this lifestyle but I have read lots of articles about it, some saying it's okay and others saying it's harmful. I definitely do not want to do my body any harm!