Not a fairy tale ending, but a great realization

When I began my weight loss a little over a year ago I was in a place in life where I really thought that I was not living up to what I had planned out in my head of the perfect life. There had been domestic abuse and rape, a failed business and there still is a child with special needs. The thing that took me the longest to accept was to stop questioning why things happened the way that they did and to stop looking at how things could have been any different. It took a lot of emotional work to get to a point to see that even though my life did not unfold as I planned, I am right where I am meant to be.

This is what I would have told the old me:

So much of life is what we think we want for ourselves or how we expect things should have turned out along the way. We grow up reading these fairy tales and watching Disney movies where something bad happens and then someone swoops in to save the day and viola Happily Ever After.

Well, with a bit of reality check it is easy to see that it is not always the case....or more times than not....not going to be the ending point that we imagined. What we saw for ourselves in our minds is not what we face when we live REAL life.

You know what though and it took a long time to come to terms with this. Life is not fair sometimes and fate can give us a kick in the butt. Bad things happen no matter how good you try to live your life. It has never jaded my opinion on the way things have unfolded in my life, but it has challenged me not to fall into a view of myself that I should be a different version of me or that I am not who I was meant to be.

When you get down to it though fair is not what we need to grow into the version of what we are meant to be. We would never grow if we had no struggles and we would never truly see the beauty if we never experienced any of the pain. Maybe the carefree life that we see for ourselves as meant for someone else and that is totally fine because we are given what you can handle.

Just maybe what we thought we should have or where we planned for life to be would never be as breathtakingly beautiful as where our life is leading us right at this moment in time. Maybe there is a plan out there for us that will exceed what we yearned for in our heart and thought was best for us.

It might just be that we were not as right as we thought we were all this time because something bigger than us saw that we were capable of more than we ever thought we could be. After the something bad in the fairy tale happened and we were waiting to be saved....something bigger knew that we had it in us to save ourselves and that in time we would see that we were stronger than we thought....that we were capable of so much more than we ever gave ourselves credit for....that we were enough and that we would see it when we were ready.

All it took was really getting to know ourselves and really opening our eyes to what we had never seen before. It took shutting out the expectations and it took having blind faith. The faith that no one else could do for us what we had to do for ourselves. We were enough all along and the fairy tale is unfolding just as it always should have.

This is what I would say to those just starting weight loss or those that question if it will happen or have wavering motivation. Even if you do not think you are strong enough now, you will come to see that deep inside are more stronger than you think. When you get there you will look back and see how far you've come and will be grateful that you kept going.


  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Very well said......awesome post!!
  • mooookie
    mooookie Posts: 22
    You are an inspiration and a very caring person.