Any early risers? How do you space meals?

longhorns2 Posts: 23
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
How do you plan your meals for the day?

I work 5am-1:30pm Sun- Thur.

2 days of the week I go into the office, which means I am awake and moving at 3:45am. The other 3 days I work from home, so I get to sleep in an extra hour. Up at 4:45am.

Regardless of when I wake, my day doesn't end until 9pm. I have 3 kids and husband- and it's just impossible for me to go to bed before 9pm due to their needs.

I do get extra sleep with naps in the day (my little ones nap, so I can too! LOVE naps!) I usually get an extra hour of sleep through the afternoon nap.

Its more a food issue---- how to balance the amount of hours I am up and moving before the break of dawn?

I know the thinking is that you need to eat within an hour of waking. Okay, so that means food at 4:45-5am. If I eat a lot then, I can screw myself over by the end of the day.

When should I try to eat next? Right now I am trying 5am, 7am, 11am, 2pm, 6pm. What do you think?

I am trying the 5 meals a day idea, with each one 300-400 calories, but not sure how many hours to space them all out. If I eat my last one at 5pm, then by 9pm... I promise you something will go into my mouth that's not supposed to!

Any tips or suggestions? I have been loading up with proteins vs carbs the last week or so and that seems to help the hunger issue. Water all the time.


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  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    I get up at 4:30 and try to wait as long as I can to eat the first thing. Usually I can make it until 7 or 8, which is normal breakfast time, then it is not as hard to make it until lunch. I never heard about eating within an hour of when you wake up. Sometimes I drink some juice to help me hold out until breakfast.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I get up at 4:30 am every morning and I used to start work around 4am so I understand your plight. This is what I do.

    4:30 Get up have water and kids cliff bar ~100 calories
    7:30 Have hot tea with a little honey and small breakfast ~200 calories
    9:30 Snack 100-200 calories
    11:30 Lunch ~300 calories
    1:30 snack ~100 calories
    4:00 snack ~ 50calories
    6:00 Dinner ~300 calories
    8:00 protein heavy snack or treat <100 calories

    You can check out my food diary as it is public for the specifics. Good Luck.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I get up at 4:30 am every morning and I used to start work around 4am so I understand your plight. This is what I do.

    4:30 Get up have water and kids cliff bar ~100 calories
    7:30 Have hot tea with a little honey and small breakfast ~200 calories
    9:30 Snack 100-200 calories
    11:30 Lunch ~300 calories
    1:30 snack ~100 calories
    4:00 snack ~ 50calories
    6:00 Dinner ~300 calories
    8:00 protein heavy snack or treat <100 calories

    You can check out my food diary as it is public for the specifics. Good Luck.

    How in the WORLD do you do it? and work out
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I agree.... eating within an hour of waking....gets your metabolism going for the day....and then every 2-3 hrs the rest of the day. maybe a small snack after supper, under 200 cals? looks like you're doing pretty good tho. good luck!
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    I get my work outs in either on my lunch breaks (9am-ish) or even while I am working when I am at home (I answer incoming calls, so if the phone isn't ringing, I can do whatever while waiting for it to ring)

    Sometimes I work out at 5am, but usually it's during "lunch" hour which falls around 9am.

    If I wait til the end of the day--- no way. I am toast! lol

    thanks for the suggestions. I think I was on the right track, just needed to get the confirmation. Yall rock!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Wake: 4:45 AM
    Workout: 5:00 AM
    Post workout shake: 6:15
    Leave for work - 6:50
    Breakfast: 9:00
    Lunch: 1:00
    Go home - 4:00
    Dinner: 6:00

    Lather, rinse, repeat :) If I'm gnawing hungry, I may have a snack before dinner around 5:00 when I get home from work, but I usually just have a cup of tea. I'm can't really follow the snacking / mini meals system. I need bigger meals.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    I'm also an early riser I get at 2:30a.m. and leave for work by 3:00a.m. I make a big batch of Oatmeal with fruit and a little bit of honey. I eat half before I go and have when I get back. I do 2 paper routes and I jog and walk for about 2-21/2 hours a day so if I did not eat I would be very hungry. And like others have said it is a good start to your metabolism. Good luck!
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Eat every 2-3 hours and snacks should not be more than 150-300 calories, so you don't cut your meals short. Meals should be 300- 400 calories. That way you can have 3 snacks a day instead of 2.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Work 6am: coffee
    9am: 2 apples
    12pm: 800-1200 calorie meal
    5pm: workout
    7pm: 800-1000 calorie meal
    8pm: fruit and cheese
    10pm: sleep

    not your usual, but works for me better than the 5 meal a day thing...don't feel hungry this way.
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