Not eating set calories, afraid of gaining weight.

I was on myfitnesspal a few times before and have always set my goal at 1200, this time I've been at it since March and lost about 12 lbs. A few months ago I raised my goal to 1600 because I work out 4-5 times a week (strength training and cardio) but I tend to always (except for today because I've noticed this and purposely planned on eating more.. I preplan my days the night before) get about 1200-1400 calories anyway. I am scared to eat more than that consistently because I think that I'll gain weight. On days that I work out I do usually get 1450-1600 calories once I eat my protein bar and also usually on the weekends I get about 1700-1800 as I work out hard both days.

Anyone else have this problem of still trying to stay around 1200-1300 even when you have your goal set higher?

By the way I am 26, 5'8" and at 132 lbs.


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I don't try to stay around 1200...because eating that little sucks. If your goal is higher, why are you trying to keep it several hundred less??