Excuse a newbie question?

Not sure I am using the app correctly. If I eat a peach should it tell me the calories or do I look this up separately and add it. How do I know the breakdown of a peach re macros. Same for a salad, do I need to work out the calories for each component e.g. Salad onions and lettuce? I was hoping this would be easier but maybe I am missing something?


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    If you look a peach up in the database and add it, it should tell you the calories and macros in your food diary. Not all database entries have complete nutrition information, so look at the different entries in your search results before you pick which one to add.

    Yes, you need to work out the components for your salad individually, but this will get easier as you go, since you can save a salad you eat every day as a recipe, and save groups of foods you commonly eat as meals. Also, foods you commonly eat will come up under recent, and when you add them the app will suggest foods you commonly pair them with.

    It's a little slow for the first couple of weeks, but after you have many of your favorite foods logged at least once, it becomes a lot faster.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Just adding to post by @rheddmobile , you may find more accurate nutritional info by searching for USDA Peach rather than just Peach.
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    Or you can cheat a little on the salad entry. Sometimes if its just a small salad i will search side salad and use something like wendys side salad or chickfila side salad. Its not exact but it saves time on something thats 50cal max.