Daily affirmations anyone? Please share yours!

bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
edited May 2017 in Motivation and Support
Ive started doing it after listening to a talk in positive psychology.

Affirmations first thing on waking (said aloud)
Just for today, I'm willing to treat my body in a nourishing, respectful way and accept that there is always beauty in me, no matter what I tell myself.

I am willing to see how it feels to accept love and do my best to understand myself and put myself first - and I mean FIRST!

Please share yours!


  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I don't have one. I think the key is to make working out and eating better a lifestyle, a routine. When your body is used to the routine, it just does it.
    Good luck.
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    I don't have one. I think the key is to make working out and eating better a lifestyle, a routine. When your body is used to the routine, it just does it.
    Good luck.
    Agreed! Still the positive psychology has convinced me about the effectiveness of affirmations and 3 small things I'm grateful everyday for my life as a whole. I do feel better when I do them (I suffer from depression, body dysmorphia and had an eating disorder for most of my life).

  • GuineaKitty
    GuineaKitty Posts: 97 Member
    There was a thread dedicated to affirmations can't remember which forum. But here is one I like. Every action I take leads me toward my desired body.
    You only lose the battle when you stop trying.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited May 2017
    Daily affirmations got me through a difficult divorce and getting my self esteem right. Back then I listened and repeated on my way too and from work in the car on the tape deck. Now I have no tape deck and the particular tapes that got me through are only available that way. So I downloaded the APP ThinkUp, I record them in my own voice and I usually play them on low at night before bed, it helps me relax.
  • VickyElvin
    VickyElvin Posts: 4 Member
    Mine is simply 'I can do this'
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Good topic - my daily affirmation for the last year has been "the only person you can count on is yourself." It reminds me that while I have support of friends and family, I am the one in control of my decisions and actions. I have to take ownership of what I do and the consequences (either good or bad). Motivation and willpower have to come from within in order to be sustainable. My two cents
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Mine is my background on my work computer so I see it all day, and it keeps me on track. "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it, the time will pass anyways"
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    I have two.

    What other people think of me is none of my business.

    For the times mental toughness is waning I enjoy "looking good,feeling good,oughtta be in Hollywood." Really important you say that one with outrageous enthusiasm :smiley:
  • ChasDomenici
    ChasDomenici Posts: 11 Member
    Oh I like this thread!!!!!! Mine for a while now is "one good choice at a time" ....
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    Loved reading everyone's affirmations. I'm still learning how to use MFP and didn't know there were replies to it
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @GuineaKitty love it! I'm copying it and it's in my list now.
    Every action I take leads me toward my desired body.
    You only lose the battle when you stop trying.
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @LenGray I needed it! I'm scared of getting out of mine too. I'll repeat that to myself! Every day is a good day for getting out of your comfort zone'
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @StarvingDiva I wish I had heard of affirmations when I went through my divorce! I'll check this App up. Never heard of it. Thank you
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @sofchak so true.... friends and family support, but in the end is up to us!
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @laurenebargar that's a good place to have your affirmation :-)
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @dontgobacktosleep I read it in a loud voice and could feel the enthusiasm!!!
    looking good,feeling good,oughtta be in Hollywood."
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @ChasDomenici and doing just one thing at a time we will get there!
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    @KeepRunningFatboy borrowing your affirmations!!!! I like to stick to mine for sometime till they sink in :-)