Ladies...Do you weigh more during your period?

I always feel that during my period im more bloated, and just generally feel sluggish? I also feel less inclined to exercise during this time :/ As im currently trying to lose weifght i would appreciate any feedback on your weight during your period and if you change your exercise regime to fit around your time of the month.


  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    I usually take those 4-5 days off from exercise.

    I bloat to during mine which is why I try to avoid salty snacks, even though that's what I crave the most.
  • feathernaut
    feathernaut Posts: 66 Member
    I feel the exact. same. way. and was actually looking for posts in the forums about this yesterday. I always feel like I've grown 10lbs overnight on my period, which isn't ever true, but I definitely feel like it!

    I have a good feel for my body during this time and tend not to change my habits too much during it, it's just harder to get myself to actually do things. I'm a lucky one in terms of not getting bad cramps, so I can do that without feeling too much pain. I'd say just do what you think your body can handle. If it can handle your normal exercise, then do it. :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Generally right before and right in the beginning I do weigh more and get all bloated. I don't change my exercise routine, though. If anything I work out harder. Makes me feel better about myself when I feel bloated and sluggish.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I did today!! I usually take off the two heaviest days. Otherwise I exercise as normal, and eat as normal.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    Weigh more. Eat more. Cry more. Everything is more on my period haha. Definitely don't skip workouts tho cuz once it's over I always have a 3-4 pound drop
  • messi08
    messi08 Posts: 11 Member
    Very frustrating. I get bloated and sluggish, and cramp. All I want to do is sleep. This past week I was off of work and of course it hit. I forced myself to stay away from the foods I wanted to pig out on, and being at home was harder. I forced myself to go to the gym and push through the cramps. The scale had me freaking out, but I kept telling myself it would be okay. I was proud of myself for not giving in to the couch and tv. Keep up the workouts, I think it really helps and don't freak out over the scale or a cheese puff or two.
  • FitnessNyteOut
    I experience the same thing. I always weigh more during that time of the month probably due to water retention or something of that nature, so I don't weigh myself until after my cycle; never during. I am also very tired and usually am extra sore during my period but I try to do my regular workout regiment. If you feel like you cant that day try light exercise like yoga or walking or try focusing on upper body workouts (arms, shoulders) so you can sit down during your workout if you find you cramp a lot. I also get ALOT of cravings...thats probably the hardest part!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    During? I'm not sure...I usually stay away from the scale. But RIGHT before (like the day or two before it starts), I actually weigh my lowest of the month! I have no idea why, but it's a good indicator that it's coming for me.
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    I do not weigh myself more during my period. As a matter of fact, my routine stays the same during my period. If I gain weight then I know that it is water weight and it will eventually come off. So, I don't worry about it.
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Yep. I always gain about 5 lbs of water weight and bloat starting a bit before my period and lasting basically till it's over. Keep in mind I am on the pill so that might also affect things one way or the other.

    When I was losing weight, it usually meant a gain the week before my period, then a drop of about 5-7 lbs so I'd net around 3 lbs lost over 2 weeks. Now that I've been on a plateau/enforced maintenance for over a year, I just gain then lose the same lbs. Never really noticed exercise making a difference for it.
  • aggiehaylea13
    I definitely always weigh more and cannot really notice any weight loss during my period. Right afterward I usually notice a huge drop (if I've been working out and eating right regularly). Damn water weight! Working out during my period also keeps cramps away and kinda helps me curb my TTOM cravings. :)
  • halama626
    halama626 Posts: 16
    I feel like **** and usually when I feel the worst about my weight because I do get so bloated. I also am sooooo hungry that I want to eat everything in sight. HATE IT!
  • jess_9981
    jess_9981 Posts: 42 Member
    I always feel that during my period im more bloated, and just generally feel sluggish? I also feel less inclined to exercise during this time :/ As im currently trying to lose weifght i would appreciate any feedback on your weight during your period and if you change your exercise regime to fit around your time of the month.

    Yes, you do........I weighed myself the other was about 3 lbs more. I was depressed bc I thought I gain, but then I weighed myself about 2-3 days and woooolaaaa, it was off........YAY!
  • nastycivilian
    nastycivilian Posts: 22 Member
    Yep! I gain a good 2-3 lbs. I also end up giving into my cravings & eat candy or sugary stuff..that's what I seem to crave. And..of course I just get hungrier in general as well, haha.

    I try my hardest to resist the cravings & the need to eat more but sometimes I can't & I just give in to calm that monster within, haha!!

    I still workout..unless I'm having a bout of super cramps & then I may skip a day otherwise I just carry on as usual.
  • kellyhdent
    kellyhdent Posts: 46
    Ugh. Yes! Usually it's only 1-2 lbs though. Even with endometriosis, I still don't skip workouts - consistency! - I just tone it down a bit. Too much pain to run, though!
  • bekkahlokey
    I made the mistake of weighing myself on mine last week. I always bloat and feel at least 5 lbs heavier. Then when I felt a little bit better after keeping up my workouts, I weighed myself again, and 2 lbs down.

    I do my usual workout and don't let myself rest anymore than normal. I feel like if I don't keep up with it while I'm that emotional, I'll not pick it back up.

    So, I just push through.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Yes 2lbs heavier right before, that are gone by the end :)
    Each month is exactly the same by now I should know/accept that is normal for me but somehow the higher # still afects me and if it is on my Weight day I still have to record it :(
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Weigh more. Eat more. Cry more. Everything is more on my period haha. Definitely don't skip workouts tho cuz once it's over I always have a 3-4 pound drop

    LOL!! But seriously, ^^THIS. I do this.
  • JaniceH65
    JaniceH65 Posts: 11 Member
    Absolutely! And the sad thing is, its actually noticeable to other people! Hubby always asks me if I gained some of my weight back!! But it seems afterward is when I see my actual pounds lost...weighing less than I did beforehand.
  • galloway1212
    yes, usually between 3-5 pounds heavier. and lack energy but I've found out that exercise really helps out a lot. I don't modify my exercises I just push through. without getting to crude or in depth (in case the guys r reading) it seems that the more intensive the exercise, the less 'heavy' things are and the better I feel and because I exercise at home it doesn't matter what I wear...(if you understand my meaning )..