200 + lbs

KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
Anyone have over 200 lbs to lose? It feels overwhelming. I keep telling my husband, I am not just a fat person - I am TWO fat people. Ugh. Anyway, I am 1 week in, down 3 lbs. I've always been overweight but I've still been active. At this weight I am getting winded walking to my car and I have pain in my back, knees, legs, everywhere. I gained 87 lbs in the last year to get to this point. I am hoping this is what rock bottom feels like. Anyone else in the same boat? Or close?


  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    I had about 150 to lose so closeish to the 200 mark currently down 38lbs from end of Jan..

    Well done one the 3lbs so far, you can do this
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    You can add me i have over 100 lbs to lose i lost 105 lbs a little over a year ago but gain over 60 lbs back due to surgery on my foot and on my knee and some family problems. so ive been around and may be able to give some good advice
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    If anyone wants to add me feel free. I've walked in your shoes. I started out at over 400 lbs. I was 393 when I started on mfp.
  • Mikewjr88
    Mikewjr88 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me I have 135 pounds I want to lose and today is my first day starting it...
  • rlwat17
    rlwat17 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I have 184 pounds to lose. Anyone please feel free to add me.
  • panthermom_68
    panthermom_68 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 130 pounds to lose. I've started this journey several times, only to fall back into bad habits. This years started out pretty good, I lost 15 pounds fairly easily. Then my mother passed away suddenly/unexpectedly on 2/24 and I lost all motivation. I have pulled myself back up, dusted myself off, and am re-focused on the end goal. I am also fighting colon cancer for the 2nd time and I KNOW that a healthier lifestyle can only help. Reading these boards and keeping track of my food intake helps more than I ever thought it would. We can all do this!
  • porkneckbones
    porkneckbones Posts: 3 Member
    I have 156 lbs I need to lose as well!!! Anyone feel free to add me! I'd love to get to know everyone here! Let's help each other!! Like most of you I have lost lbs before but gained it all back and then more!!! ; (
    I'm re-committing on losing it all again but gaining some friends in the process!
  • bhattarai_mahesh
    bhattarai_mahesh Posts: 11 Member
    I have gained more than 100 lbs, but that is not my failure, it is an opportunity to see what went wrong. I need to reassess my fitness with the help of a professional, and do it. No body does anything for you or me. I need to do it, and you need to do it, too. If I can do it, then I will crave for losing more weight. I will be discomforted, I will be disheartened, and I will be looked down, upon. I will be fighting it, though. without even a fight, how can I give up? How can I do anything without the motive to be better. How can I keep my dream alive? I must suppress the feeling of accomplishment as it will be my biggest enemy of growth.
  • fatvegan88
    fatvegan88 Posts: 71 Member
    106 lbs to lose. I don't even eat anything tasty ever so "cutting out" bad foods isn't going to be something I can do to lose weight just need to work out a lot and measure everything.