How to accept that this will be a life-long effort?

I'm a couple of months into maintenance at the moment. I maintain on 1600 cals/day + a couple of hundred exercise calories usually.

I'm finding it quite hard to come to terms with the fact that if I don't want to regain I'm going to have to be really vigilant about food for the rest of my life.

I haven't cut any foods out and find ways to fit in the foods I want to eat. But it's just tiring always eating restrained amounts (my default mode is to eat loads and loads lol). Plus I'm tired of worrying about going over or feeling guilty about going over (inevitable occasionally).

Anyone else found it hard to accept this has to be a life-long commitment? If so, how've you dealt with it?


  • Xymheia
    Xymheia Posts: 65 Member
    edited May 2017
    I never had to deal with having to lose more weight than 5-10 lbs to get fit from mid BMI, but I think most people who maintain their weight ration their food on a certain level, some more consciously than others. It should probably get easier over time as you get used to portioning and your body adjusts to how much and when you eat, which can take some time. 1600 + exercise calories is quite normal, depending on your height. I personally always weigh my food and ration that which I can't so I don't have left overs, it also means that I can't overeat unless I eat out which is rare and I don't really like fastfood, so most is cooked from scratch. I also balance days of eating more with days of eating less and it works quite well.

    If I either have to restrict my intake to lose a bit or find myself eating too little I remind myself that maintaining a fit weight and eating nutritious food in adequate quantities helps prevent diseases and keeps energy up. For exercise it's usually being done with poor stamina and lack of energy.
  • lizmcvey
    lizmcvey Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2017
    I totally hear you. I don't have much to offer here other than knowing the feeling. I lost a bulk of my weight three years ago and then maintained/lost about 10 more pounds since then. In the last few months I've gotten too lax about logging (marathon training will do that). This is the first marathon where I've seen the gain they warn about. I'm up about 10 pounds and its freaking miserable! I'm getting back to logging the way I used to and I know that getting back to the basics for awhile will put me back to where I want to be but it's frustrating. I've got a wedding dress to fit into, that's all the motivation I need.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Give yourself time - you may well find after a while you don't need to be "really vigilant".

    I don't log my food and haven't for ages. I'm what I would call vaguely calorie aware and monitor my weight trends but that's all.
    Feeling guilty about the perfectly occasional natural high days isn't great, you're looking for a long term balance, not every day precision.

    PS - I did log one day recently to work out my fuelling for a big cycle ride and food logging felt really strange! What is new becomes normal over time, what was once normal now feels alien.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started losing weight knowing very well that it would have to be a lifelong commitment. I had no interest in yoyo dieting (I got horrible stretch marks when I lost weight and gained it back in my early 20s), so I wanted to be ready to really do it before even starting... which I guess is why it took me 15 years to actually do it.

    I'm guessing most people who lose weight are not actually ready for that commitment though, which is why they gain the weight back. And I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite because I WAS ready but it's still extremely hard to stay vigilant, 3 years later. Honestly for me the only way I'm not gaining the weight back is by staying very active. I probably eat the same amount of calories than when I was 205 lbs, to be honest... it's just that with my activity my TDEE is the same. It just takes a lot of exercise to make up for a 75 lbs and 5 years difference. Being active really isn't a problem for me though, I'd rather go for a walk than stay on the couch most days. I just really LOVE food.

    And yeah, I still eat too much at least twice a week. I just keep a permanent deficit so at least on my good days I get to 'save' calories for the bad ones... I've still gained back a few pounds in the last 3 years. It's hard.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Relax. You don't have to be as "vigilant" as you all that. As long as you are going way over on meals, close is good enough if you weigh yourself weekly and go back into tracking your calories when you get outside your ideal weight range.

    As for eating "loads and loads": I do that all the time even though I am maintaining my weight. If you are exercising at the levels that are recommended for your health (about seven hours per week) you can eat quite a bit more than if you aren't.
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    I find keeping the mentality that I'm focusing on nutrition and training, vs. diet and exercise to be really helpful. Plus going b@tsh!t crazy because you missed a workout is a large motivation for me :P Any sports on your some-day-maybe bucket list?