
Any suggestions on how to get the required amount of water in a day. I have tries ice cold room temperature and with lemon I just have a hard time getting it all in. I am not a pop drinker and usually only have 1 coffee or tea on work days. Any suggestions


  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Unless you show actual sign of dehydration, don't worry about it. Drink when you are thirsty.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    There are fruits and / or veggies with high water content- and they do count- such as cucumber, watermelon, cantalope, honeydew etc- this will help- you can tell if you are dehydrated IF your urine is a strong yellow color- should be pale
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    edited May 2017
    Unless you show actual sign of dehydration, don't worry about it. Drink when you are thirsty.

    this. i have a bladder the size of a grape and get annoyed having to pee every 10 minutes so i'm terrible about drinking water. and on the other end of that, i'm prone to drinking too much of anything with caffeine or alcohol, so i've done these things to help me drink more water throughout the day:

    -chew ice; my work has a soft ice machine (or more colloquially "sonic ice") and this helps keep it interesting for me. but don't wouldn't recommend this if you don't have access to one... regular ice might be more annoying.

    -get fancy with your water; my work provides la croix, among other cokes, and this gives me that carbonated-drinky-feeling without the caffeine.

    -invest in some water enhancers; mio, arizona, dasani... you can pretty much find any flavor under the sun (these come in handy for a low-calorie vodka drink ;) ).
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Download a water reminder app. Your phone will ping all throughout the day telling you to drink 250ml NOW, or whatever volume you choose.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member

    -chew ice; my work has a soft ice machine (or more colloquially "sonic ice") and this helps keep it interesting for me. but don't wouldn't recommend this if you don't have access to one... regular ice might be more annoying

    Chewing ice is not good for your teeth. It can wear them down and cause gum and tooth problems.

    I spread my water out throughout the day. I teach so I can't go to the bathroom very often.

    I have one glass when I get up, one with breakfast, one mid morning, one with lunch, one mid afternoon, one with dinner and then 2 -3 in the evening when I workout.

    My urologist tells me to go by the color of my urine, not how many oz I drink. As long as my urine is light, I am good.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Snack on slushies :p Mix up some ice cubes with water and a crystal light or some juice mix and you get a high water snack at like 10 calories. I use these when im overly snacky gives me something to eat when i have no calories. Would help with water intake for sure
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    If you find you're having a hard time drinking what you think is enough water (i.e. 8 cups a day) it's probably because that's too much water :)

    Drink when you are thirsty or when you are doing some heavy exercise or work. Do what makes sense. Don't over think it.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I drink to thirst (and I'm thirsty lol) and go by the colour of my urine pale yellow is best. I also ensure my daughter is well hydrated as she nurses.

    I generally try to drink 3-6 of my 3 cup water bottles daily. One before lunch, one before supper, and one before bed minimum. I often drink one before breakfast as well, drink some more if I'm working out, and keep a full one by my rocking chair for when I feed my baby at night. I don't get uptight about quantity of water because I do just fine. My body is very good at reminding me to hydrate.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    I've only recently picked up the water drinking habit but it seems second nature already. I keep water bottles, and refill it, every time I finish it. And I have them stashed every where - office, car, house, even the green house.
  • KateA2017
    KateA2017 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for all your tips I plan to try them and I am sure I will figure out what is best for me.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I have a 33.8 oz water bottle and I try to drink one before noon, and then another after lunch so from 1-5. During Lunch I drink carbonated water, and then when I get home I try to drink one more water bottle full. I can drink more if im out hiking with my husband and dog, or less some days. I drink to thirst but I also noticed about three weeks into my journey that I truly wasnt as hungry when I was getting around 90 oz of water a day. Now I dont drink anything but water(and occasionally milk) and my weight loss has been more steady (because I havent been so hungry) Before this I never drank water, only Soda, and Juice so I feel much better now. Lol sorry for the long post, but yes I would drink to thirst, or just find what works for you, I apparently enjoy alot of water, others may only like 6 cups a day etc.