Extremely discouraged... overeating is killing me



  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I have battled with the sugar binging and no I really can't just eat one chip or one bite of something sweet and be satisfied. It triggers a binge.

    I too would start and lose 5-6 pounds and then be tempted usually by husband with chocolate or pizza or something like that because he is over 6 foot tall and one of those burning machines who never gains an ounce even though they are a human garbage disposal.

    What it took this time was ending up in the hospital and not for anything weight related and then my doctor thinking I might be pre diabetic. I was in a ward where 3 other women were suffering with diabetes related complications. It was not pretty. Bad infections, amputations.

    People say not to deprive yourself or eliminate foods well some things we eat just aren't really food. They are just man made junk with no nutritional value. They aren't foods. Cool whip is not a food.

    Deprive yourself? We aren't toddlers. Treats. We aren't dogs. We don't need a treat. Cheat days? Why? This is a lifestyle change. A cheat day just reinforces the idea you are just doing this until you lose the weight and then you can eat like you did again. And that is what most people do.

    Nobody wold tell an alcoholic they could have a cheat day where they could drink or a shot as a treat.

    Finally, I tried eating plain old food. Nobody makes a tv commercial for what I eat. eggs, fish, meat, chicken, fresh vegetables and fruit.
    No goey sauces, nothing in a box, no HFCS, no diet anything, or low fat, no soda, no crystal lite. Just plain old food.

    And guess what, it works. After about a week, the sugar cravings are completely gone. I feel full all the time. I am not thinking about my next meal all the time.

    Other people lose weight doing it other ways but this is what I found that works best for sugar addictions.
  • goodnamegone
    goodnamegone Posts: 237
    I have that too, I've been losing and gaining for a year now and haven't made much progress. I am now just beginning a low carbs diet and that has helped a lot with the sugar cravings although I did cave and have some ice cream two nights ago - that said - it didn't bring on a massive sugar relapse. I think not eating bread for me was the biggest gift I gave myself, it lowered the sugar intake, I had no idea how much that had been affecting me. I also use honey sometimes if I need something sweet. Take it one day at a time and if it gets too big to handle on your own then try a 12 step program I know they work.