IIFYM or What method/plan do you follow? Just looking for options



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I eat food. Mostly whole, unprocessed. Meat, chicken, fish, nuts & seeds, vegetables (both green & root) & fruit, eggs & Greek yogurt. Some oats & rice. I don't track or worry about macros, I try to put as little thought into food as possible, other than what tasty concoction to cook for dinner each day.
  • crazyycatladyy1
    crazyycatladyy1 Posts: 156 Member
    edited May 2017
    CassieR6 wrote: »
    Good morning all! So I am wondering how many of you do the IIFYM? And how does it work for you? And what does your meal plan look like? If you don't do this method what do you do? I am torn. I am trying the IIFYM, but I am so clueless on a meal plan even though I know what my marcos should be I am still confused. Also if you are doing IIFYM, how do you track or add up your macros? I know you say a food scale is important. I have one. I know I probably sound really naive but I am just trying to learn. :)

    I did alternate day IF (JUDDD) for my weight loss phase. Now in maintenance I do a different version of IF as part of my maintenance plan (16:8IF). I've never tracked macros or paid any attention to them, and have only focused on my calorie intake throughout my weight loss and now 4 years of maintenance.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    IIFYM - approx. 1300 calories per day - even spread of protein/carbs/fat - 35/30/30 - and I eat clean / follow a competition diet meaning lean chicken, turkey, beef and fish and leafy greens, limited raw oats, brown rice, sweet potato, limited healthy fats (nuts / avocado) Low/no sodium, ACV and/or rice vinegar for dressings, plenty of fresh herbs and spices, no sugar, no fruit, a good whey protein supplement along with glutamine, carnitine, creatine and aminos. Papaya enzyme as a pro-biotic.

    I like IIFYM because I can eat what I want as long as it fits in, great for weight loss. Right now I am being overly strict because I am on a lean to clean bulk :smile:

    1300 cals is a bulk?
    .... It also sounds like you've cut out a lot of things, and have a restrictive diet...

    Please read again... I said it's a lean to clean bulk.
    Traditional bulking is antiquated. We don't need to get fat to bulk...
    Anyway, it's totally 100% restrictive but only until show time. Then I'll reverse diet back.

    And let's not hijack this persons original post. It was about IIFYM and diet plans I believe? Not me :smiley:

    so maybe you mean re-comp ..? Even then you add fat/lose fat; add muscle/lose muscle, over time...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - with IIFYM just remember that fat and proteins are minimums, and once you fill in those minimums you can eat other foods. How you design the meal plan is up to you; just make sure that you are meeting macro and micro requirements...
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    I don't do meal planning and the only macros I look at are protein and fiber. Everything else just falls into place around those. If I am low in protein for the day, dinner tends to be high protein.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I didn't really follow a method, but I guess you could say I did 'intuitive eating' or 'eat less, move more' or some other name given to losing weight by winging it.