I am not losing and my wedding is in 2 months



  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    How much beer do you drink? Even lite beers are high in calories. My boyfriend completely cut out beer while also doing phase 1 of the South Beach diet and lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks. He didn't give up any other alcohol, just beer. I'm not advocating this just because it worked for him, LOL, plus women's bodies will respond differently. If you have maybe 2 beers all weekend, that's one thing, but if you're hitting a six-pack a day then you should stop. Also remove all unhealthy snacks from your house and keep only healthy foods around to "binge" on, like carrots, celery, other raw veggies, etc. Above all, you need to burn more calories than you consume, because that's the only way to lose weight and fat.