
lucy3541 Posts: 44 Member
edited May 2017 in Getting Started
I feel a little selfish for doing so, but I have made logging my food and seeking community one of my top priorities. I eat better when I see the calories in writing. MFP makes it easy so I have no excuse. Like a lot of people I have tried lots of diets over the years only to become larger. I checked about WLS, but my insurance will not cover it. This time, I'm not dieting. I am makin sensible choices and using moderation. I've found if I feel very deprived I will binge. I am aiming for slow and steady. I want to feel healthy again. I'm determined. I am becoming healthy, flexible, and energetic.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Sound likes a good plan! You can do this!
  • caitky1013
    caitky1013 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Lucy...We have a lot in common! I'm trying to do the same thing...feel healthy. I also looked in to WLS but nope, insurance won't cover it. I had convinced myself that I would do it in 2 years, when I think I'd be able to cover the cost, but have since decided to give it one more go at trying on my own first. So far it's working, down 18lbs since March...a lot of progress but like you said, slow and steady. This time I want to be sure I keep the weight off!