Chinese takeaway (Vegetarian, UK)

Wophie Posts: 126 Member
So I need some advice!

My mum has invited me round for a Chinese on Saturday night BUT I have already had this weeks cheat meal, and it's really important to me to stick to my macros as this is only my first week of recomp!

Not going isn't really an option, and I would prefer not to take my own food instead, although if it comes to it I will.

Can anyone suggest any healthy vegetarian Chinese dishes?

I already know not to get anything really fried etc, but I don't want to just eat vegetables as I need to get some protein in too.

Tofu dishes would be good but I don't know which are the best for being healthy?

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Go with steamed vegetables. Soups may be ok. Most stuff at a Chinese restaurant is fried. I love it but I don't think it's healthy. Just keep track of your calories that night and enjoy the evening. Also, you should be able to get a menu from the place you are going and plan what you will have.