Dreaded scale..



  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day. That worked for me when I was working on losing weight, but that stopped working for me when I got into maintenance. I had gotten to attached to the number that I would let it dictate my day. I might think I looked cute when I woke up but if I got on that scale and saw any deviation I would instantly see myself as large and overweight and have a 'bad day'. So one scale got tossed and now I weight in maybe once a week and make sure my muscle mass/fat% are in check!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I do an "official" weigh in every saturday morning but I like to weigh every day just because i like to see how low the numbers go and see if i hit that number on my weigh in. For some reason I like seeing the difference also after i go to the bathroom, i know it's useless but for some reason it amuses me.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    If you can emotionally deal with the daily weight swings, which can include some fairly surprising weight increases from day to day, then weighing yourself daily and tracking a running average of the last week or two is the most accurate way to get a real idea of what your actual weight is doing. It smooths out those daily fluctuations quite nicely.
  • joanfudala
    joanfudala Posts: 41 Member
    Do not worry about the weight on the scale! Here is proof: before I started boot camp, I weighed 149.6 pounds and had 29% body fat and 106.3 pounds of lean weight. Now I weigh 148.6 pounds and have 20.3% body fat and 118.5 pounds lean weight. I have also lost 20.75 inches. This is with calipers, so I trust the accuracy.
  • danibodani
    danibodani Posts: 41
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I was having a hard time for the past month and a bit as I was working out and didn't really see much weight loss in numbers on the scale. I put it down to building muscle. I knew that I must be losing something as my clothes began to feel looser.

    I think because this is a new challenge for me I am feeling I like I am excited to weigh everyday to keep a hold of that motivation and see if what I am doing is working. Seeing even a slight decrease motivates me further.

    I am also going to have an 'official' Saturday weigh-in whether I lose of not. I know that if those numbers go up it's just going to light an even bigger fire under my *kitten* to shift the weight.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Water weight, glycogen stores, intestinal capacity, etc. ensures that weighing every day is useless.

    Unless you would like to learn about things like Water weight, glycogen stores, intestinal capacity, the effects of sodium, hot weather, a change in exercise. Then it's pretty darn useful!

    Daily weigher here! First thing. Chart it, learn from it.

    No right or wrong answer here.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    How often do you guys & gals 'check in' with your scale? At the moment I am getting too excited and wanting to do it every morning, but I know that is a bad bad habit.

    why is it a bad habit ?
  • danibodani
    danibodani Posts: 41

    why is it a bad habit ?

    Maybe that was an incorrect statement, or I had worded it incorrectly. But it is just what I have read before, and what people had told me. Apparently if I focused on the numbers, and they happen to go up, I'd get de-motivated. So it's better to focus on how I felt and how my clothes fit... blablabla

    I have heard and read a lot of conflicting ideals. Hence asking on here with people who are actually trying to attain the same goal as me how they feel about the scale...
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If you have a sophisticated approach, weighing several times/day would provide useful information.

    If you freak out, give up, and grab a bucket of ice cream whenever you see a number go up, then weighing may be a bad idea.
  • danibodani
    danibodani Posts: 41

    If you freak out, give up, and grab a bucket of ice cream whenever you see a number go up, then weighing may be a bad idea.

    Fully agree!