Gut vs Head decision making

920clb Posts: 3 Member
Just looking to see how people make important life decisions when their gut and head are saying different things. Just made a big decision yesterday with my head and I should be happy but am not. Thoughts?
This is the background on my decision:

My company recently announced they were closing the part of the facility that I work in at the end of September. I was offered a position in a different part of the company (moving from operations to finance side) - I was hesitant to even interview for it but decided to. My brain tells me it was an obvious decision to take the job - it is slightly more $ then I make now, I won't have to job hunt in a few months and I keep my seniority with vacation/401K. I don't know for sure why but my gut told me not to take the job (and partly my heart - even though I'm not leaving the company, I will be "jumping ship" early from my current work family which makes me sad) . My head tells me my gut is crazy - take this or you get to put yourself under even more stress with even more unknowns in a few months. I did accept (everyone else was also telling me this was the obvious decision as well) so in a couple weeks when I start transitioning to the new job I guess I will see if it works out! In the mean time, everyone is super happy for me (and a little jealous) while I'm pretty sad about it.


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I made a choice years ago to work in education. I had and still have plenty of offers to make a lot more money and have more things working corporate, but I know deep inside that my choice was the right one. Not the smartest and most logical, but it has always felt right.

    Mind you, I have been able to do well also working in education, so it is a blend of heart and mind that is required for every decision. Or should be at least.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    You made a decision that keeps your options open... and this bad gut feeling is most likely temporary, assuming it doesn't alienate you from friends/coworkers.

    If you don't like the decision, you can always find another job.. which is where you would have been had you chosen the other way.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    920clb wrote: »
    Just looking to see how people make important life decisions when their gut and head are saying different things. Just made a big decision yesterday with my head and I should be happy but am not. Thoughts?
    This is the background on my decision:

    My company recently announced they were closing the part of the facility that I work in at the end of September. I was offered a position in a different part of the company (moving from operations to finance side) - I was hesitant to even interview for it but decided to. My brain tells me it was an obvious decision to take the job - it is slightly more $ then I make now, I won't have to job hunt in a few months and I keep my seniority with vacation/401K. I don't know for sure why but my gut told me not to take the job (and partly my heart - even though I'm not leaving the company, I will be "jumping ship" early from my current work family which makes me sad) . My head tells me my gut is crazy - take this or you get to put yourself under even more stress with even more unknowns in a few months. I did accept (everyone else was also telling me this was the obvious decision as well) so in a couple weeks when I start transitioning to the new job I guess I will see if it works out! In the mean time, everyone is super happy for me (and a little jealous) while I'm pretty sad about it.

    Mad a similar decision about 9 years ago. For about 50% more than I was making at the time. It was an easy choice to take the money, but a hard choice to leave a job I really liked. However, I am about two years from retirement now and that extra money has increased my retirement funds considerably.

    Remember, if you decide to move on, you've added another skill to your resume and it's a lot easier looking for a job when you already have one.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2017
    Its a win win. They saw your skills in demand for something else, there is more money and you get to keep seniority/vacation/benefits. A cut from the company would have you possibly financially strapped, etc etc

    I think we are always weary of change, my thought processes would have me asking myself is the company making a wise decision to ensure future growth and/or will I possibly have to go through this again (perhaps department cuts or future closures)?

    You can always be looking for another job while you have job if you end up not liking the one you are moving to.