Most embarrassing moment in life ?



  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    mechell007 wrote: »
    It's too embarrassing... I can't... But I'll tell you someone else's story.

    Picture this, making your way through a crowded hall, keeping near the wall further from the rush of people. You suddenly feel a tug halting you in your path. Then an explosion of extinguisher foam coats your back side head to toe, and the immediate surrounding area. Everyone is now staring at you, you're the culprit. Aren't you so glad the bag you're carrying got caught up on an emergency fire extinguisher? No, no you are not. You are red faced and burning with embarrassment.

    Lol was that really you in that story if not you should tell us yours I am intrigued now
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    My friends and I flashing the boys next door who became my brother's best friends. The embarrassing part is that I still see them frequently. I had forgotten about the flashing incident for years.

    Haha it always seems like a good idea at the time.
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    I played a rec league basketball game with diarrhea. I was clenching my buttcheeks the whole game and only scored like 2 points. I scored 50% of my team's points normally so they were like bro wtf? I just wasn't into it that game.

    Oh no that could have been a hell of a lot worse lol !
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    In high school I was my small country church's pianist. I happened to be the only person in the church who could play (thus them having a fifteen year old kid as the pianist, lol). There's a whole slew of embarrassing stories there, but I'm just going to tell the worst one.

    My parents lived an hour north of the church and at a far higher altitude, thus we would get a lot more snow there than at the church. As a result, if a big snow storm was supposed to hit my town the night before church, one of the elders (and his wife, whose name was Barbara) would host me for the night so I could still play the next morning even if my parents couldn't make it to church. This couple, by the way, were both seriously sweet and in their sixties.

    Well, one time when this happened, not only was there a snow storm predicted, but I was also sick as a dog (I had a pretty high fever, was naseous, coughing, and had a raspy voice). Being a stupid kid and because I didn't want to let the church down, I hoarsely whispered to everyone that I was fine.

    Well Saturday my parents drop me off at this couple's house. I was feeling bad, but I felt I could pull through. Sunday morning I woke up and felt horrible. Just horrible. I get up, feel like I am about to hurl, and run into the bathroom (which had the door closed) and start splashing water on my face to try to keep it together. At this point from the tub I hear my church elder say "Barbara? Is that you?" I was completely mortified as he reached for his glasses. I try to speak, to apologize, to say ANYTHING, and then realize that my voice is now completely gone--I can't even work up a hoarse whisper and am instead making weird breathing sounds.

    I run for it, back to the guest bedroom. I stay up there, trying to work on getting my voice back, until Barbara calls me down for breakfast.

    They never mentioned the bathroom incident and neither did I. I've always wondered if he told her.

    Haha very funny , just a good job you didn't splash your face in the bath water lol
  • mechell007
    mechell007 Posts: 97 Member
    Carlos0690 wrote: »
    mechell007 wrote: »
    It's too embarrassing... I can't... But I'll tell you someone else's story.

    Picture this, making your way through a crowded hall, keeping near the wall further from the rush of people. You suddenly feel a tug halting you in your path. Then an explosion of extinguisher foam coats your back side head to toe, and the immediate surrounding area. Everyone is now staring at you, you're the culprit. Aren't you so glad the bag you're carrying got caught up on an emergency fire extinguisher? No, no you are not. You are red faced and burning with embarrassment.

    Lol was that really you in that story if not you should tell us yours I am intrigued now

    No, that's my daughter's story from Jr High. I'd tell you mine, but we made a pact "what happens in Arkansas stays in Arkansas". I will say this, we somehow accidentally convinced my daughter it was her that... Nevermind.
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    mechell007 wrote: »
    Carlos0690 wrote: »
    mechell007 wrote: »
    It's too embarrassing... I can't... But I'll tell you someone else's story.

    Picture this, making your way through a crowded hall, keeping near the wall further from the rush of people. You suddenly feel a tug halting you in your path. Then an explosion of extinguisher foam coats your back side head to toe, and the immediate surrounding area. Everyone is now staring at you, you're the culprit. Aren't you so glad the bag you're carrying got caught up on an emergency fire extinguisher? No, no you are not. You are red faced and burning with embarrassment.

    Lol was that really you in that story if not you should tell us yours I am intrigued now

    No, that's my daughter's story from Jr High. I'd tell you mine, but we made a pact "what happens in Arkansas stays in Arkansas". I will say this, we somehow accidentally convinced my daughter it was her that... Nevermind.

    Haha not fair ! You need to confess it's good for you lol
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I have low blood pressure and am prone to fainting. I fainted on the first date I went on with my Hubby - it was a hot day, I was hungry - I went down. I came to with my Hubby's fingers down my throat - he thought I was choking......LOL! Another time I was pregnant - in my first trimester - at the grocery store. The cashier was scanning my groceries - I could feel it coming on - I told the cashier I was feeling ill, and I thought I was going to faint - she started ripping open a package of cookies, screaming 'EAT THESE QUICK'! Too late - I came to lying on the floor partially under my cart, with the store manager looking down at me......LOL
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    becky10rp wrote: »
    I have low blood pressure and am prone to fainting. I fainted on the first date I went on with my Hubby - it was a hot day, I was hungry - I went down. I came to with my Hubby's fingers down my throat - he thought I was choking......LOL! Another time I was pregnant - in my first trimester - at the grocery store. The cashier was scanning my groceries - I could feel it coming on - I told the cashier I was feeling ill, and I thought I was going to faint - she started ripping open a package of cookies, screaming 'EAT THESE QUICK'! Too late - I came to lying on the floor partially under my cart, with the store manager looking down at me......LOL

    We'll from what I can tell fainting has won you a husband and free cookies , not bad lol
  • curborough
    curborough Posts: 131 Member
    My worst was when my daughter was little and we went into public toilets at a shopping centre. There was a queue for the toilets as usual but when we got in there my daughter shouts in her loudest voice 'mum why have you got a hairy bum!! ' I felt everybody looking at me when we came out of the toilet and they were trying hard to control their laughter!
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    My worst was when my daughter was little and we went into public toilets at a shopping centre. There was a queue for the toilets as usual but when we got in there my daughter shouts in her loudest voice 'mum why have you got a hairy bum!! ' I felt everybody looking at me when we came out of the toilet and they were trying hard to control their laughter!

    Oh that is unfortunate but very funny . Kids love to embarace us don't they !
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    Loving all the tales of embarassment folks . Keep them coming lol
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Played hookie from school when I was in HS. My girlfriend came over. My Mom came home from work in the middle of the day and walked in on us. Now, that's not the most embarrassing, but if I share that with you, I'll get another notification. Was the same girl though.